Friday, February 22, 2008

Look Out, Pioneer Woman!

My sister Michelle has been monkeying around with a computer program that allows you to do some pretty impressive digital effects with photos. Isn't this cool? (John Deere Mom, if you are reading this, please excuse the puppy porn! Tee hee)

And not to leave the little brother out, here he is, displaying his gap-toothed first-grade grin:

A cool thing is that these were made from a normal digital photos; nothing fancy at all. I can prove it. See?
In case you're curious, the program she used is called Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10. Michelle is very creative, multi-talented, and she makes gorgeous children (obviously). It's easy to see that we are related, isn't it?!


  1. That is really neat! I love these. I'd frame them.

  2. Hey! I have one with those same teeth! :-)

  3. Thanks for the compliments, sister. I will email you a new picture that does NOT include dog porn. I fixed the photo a bit, so as to de-emphasize Dozer's loins. I didn't completely take away his "manhood" but it looks better.
    Happy Blogging! Michelle

  4. LOL. I think I'm getting a reputation! :) Great pics, doggie peepee and all!

  5. My husband uses that program and does all kinds of cool things with it, like remove my wrinkles.

  6. This is a very cool thing!
    I'll have to look into it.

  7. Very cool and he did it without the aid of a trapeze bar:)

  8. I like that the program can remove wrinkles. Now that's cool.

    Very cute kid.


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