Saturday, April 26, 2008

Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

Okay, well there is a lot going on in my head today, so I'm just going to sprinkle it out here.

1) Today is my birthday!!!! Oddly enough, while I am now 45, I'd prefer 46, because I just like even numbers. (I know; it's odd.) What really freaks me out, though, is that 45 is so close to 50, and that is NUTS! I can't imagine being 50! Luckily, I have five years to get used to the idea. The kids and Mark gave me my gifts this morning; an hour massage (yea!), a Barnes & Noble Gift Card, and and I.O.U. for a laptop (gotta get the car fixed first).

2) I'd like to take this opportunity to plug a website I heard about this week: It's a place for couples to keep record of wish lists, along with sizes of clothing, flower preferences, etc. Not for everyone, but I love it.

3) Creepy Update-You know what's really cool? I sent an email about the Cellcom creep to everyone I know, and someone who knew someone who works at Cellcom received it. Apparently, my email has made it all the way up to the CEO, who shared my concern and plans to do something about it! (Time will tell.)

4) Today is an all-day Dress Rehearsal for "The Seussical" at the middle school. I did Kendall's stage makeup at 7am and sent her on her way (Mr.4444 drove, since it's my birthday!). I am SO excited about the musical. Their first performance will be Thursday, when they put it on for 5th graders visiting our school. I'm going to drag my students down there and watch it, too. (Shouldn't be too tough, since they are all secretly in love with Kendall.) I can also dread look forward to chaperoning two of the four-hour dress rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. (Note to self: Bring earplugs Monday.)

5) Wanna hear something dumb? Due to copyright laws, NO ONE will be allowed to videotape the musical this year; not even the school (to sell or even GIVE to parents.) What kind of crap is that?!

6) I'm happy to say that I've updated my Blogroll. I included anyone who blogs at least weekly. (If I missed you, please let me know, and I will cheerfully oblige!)

I guess that's enough for today. I just wanted to touch base and to thank you for the birthday gift (reading my blog!) It means a lot :)

Have a great day!

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