Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Fragments

It's always a treat to make it to Friday and Friday Fragments, where we gather up our bits and pieces from the week; those that weren't big enough for stand-alone posts but were too good to discard. Don't have any fragments this week? Partake in some of ours! Then, next week, keep a little notebook for those tidbits that come to mind, and join us next week--The more the merrier! [Click the FF button for more on how FF works.]

***My sister Geri does not have a blog, but I took this from her Facebook page...

Gotta love Alaska! I saw a girl running away from a baby moose on the way to her school, so I stopped, she hopped in, and I dropped her at school. I saw the mama moose on the way back. Both were in someone's yard. :) Yeah, she shouldn't take a ride from strangers, but what can ya do?! :o

***Smelly Ann hit one out of the ballpark with this fragment (my favorite) from last week:

"Mommy, do birds fart?"

I'm sure you'll agree, SmellyAnn deserves the award this week! Thanks, SmellyAnn! [And do they???]***Thanks to many generous donors, my Relay for Life total has climbed and keeps climbing. I've reached and exceeded my goal (and there is more coming in!) Thanks so much! Whether you support me or someone local, you are making a difference!

***Me, to Mr.4444: It doesn't even feel like Friday night to me.
Mr.4444 to Me: That's because it's Thursday.
( DANG! I hate when that happens.)

***A troll nearly ate Torina and she is now hiding under the bridge at a Busy Intersection. Her blog, as a result, is now private and you will need a password to get in. If you are a reader, you can email her at torina.busyintersection at yahoo dot com for access.

***Added Meno's blogging peeves to this post:
I hate....

When a post starts off with “I have nothing to say.” (Me, too, Meno!)

Sites that have music i have to turn off before i can continue reading. (Me, too, Meno!)

“Pay for Post” posts. I don’t mind ads, as i can ignore them, but these will cause me to stop reading a blog. (I can tolerate them once in a while, but not regularly.)

***Don't you hate it when your weekend gets eaten up by commitments? On Saturday, Mr.4444 and I have to help with the musical (painting the sets) and chaperoning a high school dance that night. I have a goal of getting my house at least presentable this weekend; wish me luck.

***"Smells like church to me," I said in response to Mr.4444 swishing his wine in the glass and inviting me to smell the "bouquet" of his Pinot Blanc (at the restaurant last week.) [I'm not much of a drinker, obviously.]

***Because my house is an absolute pigsty and because I'm trying to prove to myself that I don't need to check myself into a Bloggers Anonymous treatment center, I am participating in A Soft Place to Land's Step Away from the Computer Challenge, and I am really looking forward to it. Instead of Friday, though, (when I have to be on the computer for work and only have a short time at night) I'm choosing to do it Saturday, and maybe even Sunday. That means no computer; no email, no Facebook, and no blog reading or writing. This is going to be tough!

***If you've got fragments, hook 'em up here with Mr.Linky and visit some other fragmenters. I look forward to reading your bits and pieces, Friday night, of course, heehee! [Remember, only FF posts will be kept.]

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