You know how when you get a massage, they tell you to drink a lot of water later, in order to "flush the toxins out of your body"? Well, consider Fridays your chance to flush your mental toxins out, with Friday Fragments and Friday's Freewrite. Don't have a dirty mind? (And no, that is not an invitation) Well then, you can flush all the extra miscellaneous tidbits that have cluttered your mind this week, instead. [To learn how to do this (relatively pain-free) click on the FF link above and visit Ordinary and Awesome, too!]
***I started back to school this week, and it has been relatively painless so far (no students yet, haha.) Only kidding-I'm really excited, because this year, instead of only students with emotional-behavioral disabilities, I'll have the pleasure of doing a lot of team-teaching and interacting with typical students and students with learning disabilities, too. This means that when I say, "Good morning!" instead of being ignored or barked at, I just might hear some pleasantries!! And I'm moving from mostly 8th graders to only 6th graders, who I am told are a different breed altogether. I am really looking forward to this year! [BTW, feel free to correct me on the who/whom use here, if you know....]
***One of the hosts of the Miss Universe Pageant (the gorgeous tanorexic) said, "impor-int." I wanted to strangle her. Maybe I need meds?
***Guess what?! The William Wrigley Company is rolling out Orbit White Bubblemint flavored gum on Monday! So what? So what??!! So, the package is pink, and 10% of the proceeds from this flavor (which I happen to be chewing right this minute-it is delicious! Yes, I'm famous that way-Lindsay gave it to me special!!) What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Ten percent of the profits on this gum will go to Bright Pink!! So, please buy Orbit White, available only for a limited time. You can remove stains, whiten teeth, and prevent cancer, all at the same time :)
***Have you seen Suburban Wow yet? Check out this FANTASTIC promo by Mr.& Mrs. Michael's Daddy to learn more. It's really terrific.
***Molly, too, is going back to school. Although she still suffers (as anyone would expect from a woman who lost her teenage son Ryan nearly a year ago), she is in a pretty good place. Physically, she has healed quite well from her 4th lung-repair surgery; it looks like this one took! Here she is, at as mother-of-the-groom, last May, at her son Brandon's wedding. She is one incredible woman. Please pray for her continued healing this year, especially as October 27th (the anniversary) approaches.
For some moving, inspiring stories about Molly, type her name in the search box above. My favorite is Bent, But Not Broken.
***Anissa Mayhew is giving away a fancy-schmancy HP Photosmart Premium with Touchsmart Web printer! Entering is easy; why not try your luck?
***Mr.4444 is a funny guy. At 5:30 this morning, scratching his butt in the bathroom, he says, "This getting-up-early shit is for the birds." (He starts early with this stuff.)
***Oh, crap. Just realized I failed to pick a Favorite Friday Fragment for last week. Even though I am excited about school, I have been dead-dog tired by 7pm every night! I am so sorry, but I just don't have it in me to re-read blogs tonight. I promise to pick at least TWO this week to make it up to you, okay? Thanks for your understanding.
That's it for me. Now that school has started, I'm sure I'll be overflowing with gems next week. In the meantime, if you get anxious, don't be afraid to visit other fragmenters for plenty of entertainment and inspiration. Link your FF post here:
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