It's slim pickins this week... Here's what I've got...
This little guy was a very well-behaved audience member at Singing in Wisconsin, a choral gathering of choir kids from all over Wisconsin. (Made me remember my days of finger-sucking and stinky blanket sniffing.)
I was only there for four songs and had to then whisk Kendall off to another choral event (at which the lighting was so poor I could not get a decent pic without being rude and using a flash. Video of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy was out of the question, too, unfortunately.)
Took this one outside the gas station in Tinytown. I figured that not all towns have piles of apples for sale everywhere you look. Know what they're for? (No fair guessing if you have apples for sale at your local Shell Station.)
And finally, after state testing, a couple of my students still loved me and took advantage of a rare opportunity to write on my whiteboard. Obviously, this one's my favorite :)
And here's some wonderful news to kick off the week--Yaya's 7-year labor will soon be over! Very soon (and unexpectedly), she and her husband Josh will be the proud parents of a brand-new baby boy SO happy for you Yaya!! Congratulations :)
Have a great, sunny, happy, successful, fun-filled week, everybody!!
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