Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feeling a Cold Coming On?

Poor Mr.4444 is suffering with a wicked sinus infection.  He knows he should have used this....

Guess what I'm about to do? Go on; guess! [And no, my nose isn't really that long; it's just the camera angle and the shine :)]

When I made the little slideshow (below) of how to use a netipot, my sister, Michelle, tried to talk me out of it (She's right; it ain't pretty.) However, if you feel a cold coming on (or if you're in the throws of one), and if you are brave (like me), you should try a netipot. Tonight [December 2008] was my first time, and because I didn't read any directions first, I almost drowned over my kitchen sink, but I stuck it out and figured out how to do it. Mr.4444 (and Kyle) has been using a netipot for a couple of years now, after he finally got sick of having 3-4 bad sinus infections each year and agreed to try it. Since he's been using it, he gets maybe one sinus infection a year (when he's forgotten about the netipot.)

After I used the netipot tonight; my running nose and congestion were gone. I still have some pressure behind my eyes, but it's now four hours later. Maybe I should do it again? I used sea salt, but Wikipedia says "one study indicated that salt from the Dead Sea was especially efficacious." I'd like to try some of that. Anybody here from Israel or the West Bank?

For a live action version, view this one! (not mine)

And here's my slideshow. (Don't say I didn't warn you!)
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  1. you're my hero, never would have had the nerve:)

    I have to almost every day, but I use this - http://www.neilmed.com/usa/products.php it's little packets and a squirt bottle. Lean forward in the shower and it doesn't run down your cheek. I always got neti pot water in my eye. :)

  2. Okay, people come in the pharmacy all the time asking me about this (I didn't watch your demonstration tho -- I'm eating lunch). I tell them that people who use them love them. For me tho, EWWWW. No way. I like my snot right where it is thank you very much.

    ps- you have gorgeous eyes!!

  3. I LOVE MY NETI POT! I've felt that horrible feeling... when you know a sinus infection or cold is about to settle in... that pressure, that icky feeling. I'll use my neti pot that night... and it's not so bad in the morning. I'll keep using it daily, maybe even twice daily for a few days. It isn't a cure-all but it definitely reduces severity and length of the illness.

  4. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to DO that, much less take pictures. You're a gutsier woman than I. ;)

  5. You are gorgeous even while using the pot. :)

  6. So, where do I get one of these Netipots? And BRAVO! for posting the slide show, I couldn't have done that!

  7. OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY GOD!!!!!!!!!! I'm crying laughing!!!! I will never be the same. :P

  8. How cute are you?! Anywho....I love the ummm...choice of music. It was like watching a certain type of adult movie....but with you using a neti-pot! ;-)

    Like I said on FB, I always feel like I'm drowning if I try...Hubby says I'm just not doing it right.

  9. Well I hope they feel better.

    Now your slide show?

    The music sounded like soundtrack from late night Cinemax.

    The those sexy images....

  10. The netipot has been a godsend here on the Ponderosa through the winter months but also during allergy season. We use sea salt.

    Have a fantastically blessed day!!!

  11. I don't know anything about the netipot, but I can say that if you feel a cold coming on, get some echinacea(SP?), zinc and vitamin c and take them religiously! When I feel a cold coming on I use the ech. 2 times a day and the zinc and vit. c 3 times a day and if I do get the cold, it does not last very long! (My sister got my cold and is still sick and I only felt bad for one day! She started getting sick on Tuesday last week!)

  12. I never heard of this. I watched both videos and showed it to my wife. We have sinus and allergy issues all over this house. Thanks for the tip.

  13. I've considered this in the past; thanks for the encouragement!

  14. Oh, I needed your laughs, you guys. Thanks! Very funny.

    You can get a netipot at any granola-type store that sells holistic stuff or maybe a vitamin place. You can get the squirt bottle type (which isn't my favorite) at your neighborhood drugstore.

    If you try it, I would love to hear how it goes!

  15. THat was a beautiful slideshow with groovy music. Gross, but it does the trick!

  16. Love Muffin does her sinuses every day - she uses the squeeze bottle thingy. And every morning, I hear her retching in the bathroom. Maybe she needs to tilt her head to the side?

  17. Brilliant! I've always wanted to try that, but never have. My dad always used a water pik (like for your teeth) and we tried that, but it was a little intense.

  18. My husband uses one of these, but I haven't worked up the nerve to try it yet.

  19. I seriously had no idea that's what a neti pot was for...

  20. This is SO funny! I only just read this now, but I was actually on the hunt for a netipot last weekend. Either WalMart doesn't carry them or I am looking in the wrong spot. Do you read Kristina Pulsipher's blog? (adamandkristinapulsipher.blogspot.com) She just posted pics about using her neti pot as well.
    And...which poor kid took the pics for you? ;)

  21. Oh my goodness, I have no idea why i just watched that! But i did have a laugh! I guess you have to see the humor in doing gross (but necessary) stuff to yourself! My husband just got a Neti pot because he's been having sinus infections pretty frequently, but it's still sitting on our kitchen table. (I HOPE he hasn't used it yet!)


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