Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fragments, Episode #78

Like sands through the hour glass....these are the fragments of our lives.

Let's share, shall we? [Click the button above for FF how-to's and gentle guidelines.]

***A student wrote (in a story that I was grading)..."A helicopter landed, and an old guy (about 50) rescued them." I guess that means I'm three years away from being an old lady. [I gave him an F.] Only kidding, of course.

***Great News! Robert did not make it onto the F-List this week! (the cut-off was yesterday)

***A high school friend and I recently reconnected on Facebook.  A few days later, she left this humorous message on my wall:

"I have to share: was checking your cooking blog out and thought I was printing a bean recipe, then a casserole wasn't one page or 3, it was 38 pages x 3!!!  If ya need a copy, I got a couple extra!! Thankfully, made your SIL's baked beaners last night, and the troops love 'em!  Thought this would give you a chuckle and smile. Can't wait to try casserole!" Thanks, Lynn!

***WOOHOO!!! I won Michelle's BlogHer $200 VISA Gift Card Giveaway!!! I'm going to buy a new phone! pay the new vet bill! (Thanks for nothing, Cooper.) (He's fine, don't worry.) Thanks, Michelle!!!

***BTW, Amon Maternity is having a SUPER SALE from now through February 15th.  If you use the coupon code SUPERSALE, you will get 50% of your purchase and free shipping if you buy two items.  That's a serious discount! And since I have an ad in my sidebar for Belly Dance Maternity, I thought I'd mention them, too. They also have some beautiful-looking products (which, thankfully, I'm not in the market for, but in case you are...)

***A moody, female 6th grade student of mine "forgot" to take her schoolwork home tonight. I called her dad and offered to drop it off on my way home (it was on the way).  He was very appreciative!  (I'm pretty sure she wasn't.)  Can't wait to get the evil eye when I go in tomorrow [insert maniacal cackle here.]

***So far, I've read Fragments from just five contributor to last weeks' record breaking 51 Friday Fragments posts!!   They may back up all the way to spring break, but I am going to read every one, never fear!  I've been just buried in work this week. Seriously; I've been burning the midnight oil like crazy and have not been playing on Facebook or doing anything fun. That said, I am happy and inspired at work and doing good things for kids. If you've missed me at your blog, know that it's not for lack of desire to know what's going on with you. Please leave a little update for me in the comments and let me know if I MUST stop by ASAP!haha  [I'm saving the FFF Award for next week.]

***What's the point in collecting cookbooks if you never open most of them? I purged my cookbook stash of 60% of the books I had. All are new and barely touched. Coincidentally, the next day, the high school asked for donations of items for a silent auction. I donated the books. A cute basket, some measuring spoons, etc. combined with a handful of cookbooks would make a great auction item!

***Dear Anonymous Advertiser: You're so inspiring! That's right; the advertisements you keep adding to my archived posts have inspired me to stop allowing anonymous comments on my blog. I won't miss you....

Okay, now it's your turn! Leave a link to your FRIDAY FRAGMENTS post, and I will keep them all nice and warm until I have "dug out from under," I promise! :)


  1. Woohoo on winning the 200 bucks!!!! :D

  2. hi. just stopping in to check out your blog. it's very nice :D

  3. Happy Friday!! Love those vet bills...Sophie is breaking the bank! Hope you have a great weekend and relax some.

  4. Have had some archived-post-comments lately, too...but mostly in Chinese. Weird.

    The Visa win...WOW!! Have fun spending that one.

    You are SO loved!! Congrats on the popularity...and happy weekend. XO!

  5. I love that you dropped off the homework, I wish my youngest son's teacher would do that!

  6. I also had those weird commenters - the chinese ones are really persistent.

  7. Oh yes, and this is my 500th post that I am linking here - all about blogging randomness.

  8. Lol, "forgot" her homework. Bet she loves you! Hehe!

  9. Congrats on the Visa Card win! Sorry there have been vet bills to deal with...

    Too funny about the 6th grader 'forgetting' her homework - wonder how long it will be before Princess Nagger 'forgets' to bring hers home? It's like pulling teeth to get her to sit down and focus to actually DO it! :)

    Great idea on donating the cookbooks in a creative gift basket for a silent auction!

    I've been hit with anonymous advertisers on my archived blogs too - very annoying.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  10. Like how you dropped off that student's homework for her--you rock!

    I have some cookbooks too--never look at them either but maybe some day, so I'm hanging on to them for now.

    Anonymous did the same thing with me and it got to be just so annoying having to spend so much time deleting the comments so I changed mine to block anonymous comments as well, although I wish I didn't have to do that. Some people reall leave nice comments as anonymous--but most are junk.

  11. Hope that win helps lower the vet bill! But glad Cooper is okay.

    50 is ancient!!! Just ancient and I think I'm going to beat you to it ...

    Home work home delivery? Cruel!

  12. Wait a minute...did you read mine? I thought we were like that (holds fingers up so close together they look like one, really big finger). It's cool. I mean I know you're busy. It's just that my post was like THE BEST EVER. Kinda like this week's:)

  13. Dropping off the homework? BRILLIANT!!!!

    Hallie :)

  14. Nice score on the Visa card win. Bummer about the vet bill though, we had one of those just before Christmas - cost us $250 to get one of the cats sewn up after a fight.

  15. Yay Robert! And Double YAY winning money!

  16. My mom cleaned out her cookbook collection before Christmas and I got to take home a very large pile of her "rejects." I am very eager to start really going through them and then sharing them with my friends. Hey- maybe a blog giveaway!

    Happy Friday- it's been a stressful week for us but I'm just glad the weekend is ahead!

  17. Geez, none of my teachers ever dropped off my homework... you are the BEST! Have a great weekend!

  18. Your such a compassionate caring teacher dropping off homework for the sweet little student. Heeeheehe. SHE'S GONNA REMEMBER YOU!

    I always love Fridays over here!

  19. I love that you didn't let that student get away with "forgetting" her home work!

  20. congrats on the record breaking fragmenters last week, thats awesome barb!!!!

    I moderate comments older than so many days that really cuts down on the amount of spam i get...oh and I have the confessional up today

    Happy Friday

  21. Congrats on the gift card!!!
    Cute idea with the cook book gift basket!
    Good luck catching up with your reading!!

  22. An anonymous advertiser huh? That stinks! Someone else I know was having issues with would be interesting to find out if it was the same advertisements! Hope you don't get the stink-eye too much--just tell her that her face will freeze like that!

  23. How did I not know about your cooking blog?! And congrats on winning the gc...awesome, even if you do have to use it for vet bills! :) Oh, and thanks for the heads up on Amon Maternity...going to check them out now.

  24. That may be the one thing that inspires me to leave blogger - the ability to turn off just the Anonymous comments. Because Blogger's policy is more restrictive than that and I want to turn off Anonymous.

  25. Your auction item is brilliant and congratulations on winning the giveaway!!!

    I don't allow anonymous either. It really helps keep spam down!

  26. Ugh, I turned comment moderation on because I was getting those spam comments!

    I love that you're dropping off the 6th graders homework. It's really brilliant, in an evil sort of way ;)

  27. You're a great teacher! Wish my kid's teacher would drop off his left behind homework. Better yet, wish my kid would stop leaving his homework behind!

    Congrats on the $200. I say at least get a mani/pedi out of the deal. Then pay the vet.

  28. Yay for Robert and yay for your $200!!!!! Have a super weekend!!!!

  29. Yay for the win!

    I just bought another cookbook - and have run out of shelves for it. Sheesh!

  30. Children's perspective on age cracks me up!

    That's great idea with your cookbooks. My mother has so many which has driven me to collect none at all. :)

  31. this was fun, thanks for catching up with me :)


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