Thursday, May 27, 2010

Now Where is That Y Membership Again?

If you get too close to sweet, little 6th grader, Jenny (who is on the autism spectrum), you will likely find your personal space invaded, as she eagerly seeks out sensory stimulation and will take it any way she can get it. My co-worker, Mrs. K, in fact, once found her breasts caressed (only once, mind you), because Jenny wanted to touch the front of her fuzzy sweater.  This morning, I had to laugh when I saw Mrs. K forced to give up most of her computer chair, as Jenny nudged her over, snuggling up and resting her head on her shoulder as she helped with a computer issue.

This afternoon, it was apparently my turn.  As I leaned over to guide Jenny in a writing assignment, she reached over, with both of her hands, to gently knead my bare, upper arm.

"Jenny," I admonished. "That is my arm, not yours."

"But it's sooooo juuuiicy!" she protested. "Like a nice big steak!"

5.5 school days left of having no excuse for not working out....


  1. I see dumbbell exercises in your future.

  2. Oh I can give you a few excuses I have been riding for too long! Like a big steak..heehee kinda cute!

  3. When my mom taught beginners (4-5 yr olds) in Sunday School, one kid told her he never saw such big muscles as hers. (She was overweight and had fat arm)s.

  4. How did graduation go?

    Cute post!

  5. Oh that is HILARIOUS! Bwahahahaha!!! Gotta love kids!!

  6. Oh. That can't be good. Juicy? Oh my.

  7. That is hilarious! I am lol, I feel the same way about my arms when I wave:) The other day Tanner was looking at me and said, "It looks like someone poked you in the face with a toothpick" I always am aware of my large pores now I know how they look to someone else, lol.

  8. What a sweet loving girl. Heck, if she kneads your arms it would be like getting a massage.

  9. Steak is desirable. Don't you know how much you must be worth now? Embrace it, chickie!

  10. That sounds like something one of my students would say! Love it!
    I really love it when students on the autism spectrum are lovey, especially since I've had a few who would pinch, bite, and hit!
    She sounds like a sweetie!

  11. How do you not just crack up laughing.

    What good is a dry steak!

    Seems everyone chooses Juicy lately.

    So if I am in your class I can...

  12. ROTFLOL!

    Too cute! How do you not just crack up???

  13. Oh my gosh that is funny! :)

  14. I'm going to work on Mister Man to ensure he never does that to anyone. I hope. But ummmm bwah-ha ha ha ha! So sorry. Try the 100 pushup challenge... it's all at home and gets you to 100 pushups in ummm 3 weeks I think? Totally doable since you start from wherever you're at (including 0). hee hee.

  15. Precious! I think she meant juicy as a compliment!

    My two year old grandson sitting on my lap talking with me placed his hands lovingly under each breast (I was not wearing a bra) and flipped them one at a time before I could react. And then all I could do was laugh.

  16. Reminds me of Oscar, one of my autistic kindergarteners. He is the touchy feely type too. Just this month he was assigned a one on one aid. It has been a month of all of us getting used to each other. They sat down on the little chairs for calendar time and he was getting all 'drapey' like a blanket on her. I told him "Elbow to hand, Oscar. That's all you can touch on Mrs. K" A couple minutes later Mrs. K lets out an amused squeal: he had wiggled his finger into her armpit!
    Always pressing the limits, that's Oscar!


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