Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sundays in My City, Short and Sweet

Unknown Mami is the brilliant originator of  Sundays in My City, a weekly photo meme that offers snapshots from communities all over the world.

Don't ask me what these are called (I have a Black Thumb, remember?). They're at Mom's house, where I spent a chunk of my Saturday cleaning but took the time to notice her beautiful flower beds "waking up" to this beautiful weather we've been having.

And in the You-Don't-See-This-Every-Day category, on the way to Mom's house (which is in the middle of a very residential neighborhood, I saw a deer!  Don't believe me?  I quickly pulled over and got this shot of the poor thing considering its options...

That's it for me this week! Stop over at Unknown Mami's to check out a wonderful variety of springtime photos from parts near and far.


  1. Great pics ...I have a black thumb too my HB calls it the touch of death =(

  2. Pretty flowers and wild life....I hope your Mom is doin well! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. I love the second photo! I bet they will be wonderful flowers. Oh what a great last photo, love the oops look, special lens capture

  4. No green thumb here, either! That 2nd picture is really pretty...wonder what they are? There was a black bear near the elementary school one time, which is very unusual for a bear to be this far down in the foothills.

  5. Lovely spring picts.

    Happy Sunday

  6. I love the second photo - I've never seen a flower like that!

    Last summer on vacation in Colorado we stayed in a cabin in the woods, and in the mornings there was a whole family of deer that would come graze right in the front yard. A big old bear wandered by too - I grabbed up my kiddos and ran inside (I like to see bears on TV or behind cages - not that close to me!).

  7. I would love to know what the name of the flowers are in the second picture... looks like some odd variety of a poppy.

    Have a great Sunday!

  8. Nice of you to help your mom at her house. My mom lives over a thousand miles from me. Glad you stopped to get the pic of the deer.

  9. Pretty flowers! I thought I had a black thumb too, but so far *knocks on wood* I have been lucky enough to keep some alive. The season is still young though ;)

  10. Looks like your Mom has a lovely garden!!!!! Have a nice week!!!

  11. WOW those are pretty flowers and that deer is so cool!

  12. I really need to take a photography class...those are great photos barb

  13. I can take a hint! Would love some help with the ribs! You can be the black man I never married! Oh, wait... ;-)

  14. love those photos! and i assume i have a black thumb as well although i've never really tried to plant anything. i feel it would be too cruel to the foliage to try my luck!

    thanks for adding my button. hope it doesn't scare your followers away. :)

  15. I especially like the one of the flowers that are just about to bloom!

  16. The first plant is a spirea. The second is a peony, I believe. A Fern Leaf Peony.

    Nice pics!

  17. We see deer in our residential neighborhood too! I like them as long as they don't come in the street.

  18. Ha! Love the one of the lost deer. They aren't very smart are they? Getting lost in a residential area and all.

  19. The second flower shot is cool! I wonder what those are.

    All of your pictures make your area look gorgeous!

  20. Your photos are wonderful!

    I just look at nature and it shrivels up like it's trying to run away from me. :)

  21. Oh wow those flowers are gorgeous! And the deer, so neat! I do miss that from when I lived in Michigan!

  22. I don't know what those plants are called, but they sure are pretty. Are you sure the deer didn't come out of your mother's basement? Maybe it had been stuck in some of the cobwebs.

  23. Love the pics of the flowers!

    Kudos to you for cleaning out your mom's basement, I am sure she is happy!

  24. You caught a glimpse of a deer and I caught towels LOL I bet those peonies are going to be gorgeous! Wait a minute - now that I look again, that isn't a peony. I bet they'll still be gorgeous!

    Kristin - The Goat

  25. The red budded one is a Fern Leaf Peony which is actually kinda rare. The other is definately a Spirea....

    I will try to find the botanical name but don't hold your breath!

  26. Ahhh, so it is a peony! Well, that makes me very happy :) Thanks KandeeInNY :)


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