Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Very Good Excuse

I've been feeling kind of dumpy lately, so I made up my mind to get some exercise today. I put the appropriate clothes on, as in 1990 spandex (hey, they're not worn out at all!), sports bra and all all that jazz. I made sure I had a little fuel in me and prepared a nice big bottle of water. Finally, I was ready.

I went all the way upstairs to the bonus room, got the treadmill out and set up (which was no small feat. Thank you, Kendall!) It was also covered in dust.

Next, I got the TV in the correct position. That's about when the whining started. It wasn't very loud, but it was incessant. "Are you kidding me?! Stop it!" I said, distracted, but not swayed; I had a plan and was sticking to it. No amount of whining would get in the way, but still...the whining continued.

Finally, I gave in......

....wait for it....

......wait for it....

Sometimes, you just have to give in to the whining....

(See? I wasn't kidding--Look at the dust!) Anyway, just so you know, Cooper ran for 45 minutes. I did have to change the channel for him,

but I understood...

Sometimes, you just have to take one for the team.

[Don't worry--I did get a turn. I only made it 20 minutes, but I'm going to go at it again tomorrow.]


  1. Oh how totally CUTE!! Way to keep in shape, Coop!

  2. I'm so glad I did wait for it! It wasn't what I was expecting :)

    Good for you for getting in 20 minutes. Tomorrow you might get in 21. It adds up fast.

    Kristin - The Goat

  3. poor pooch...not a ball in sight!

  4. That is so cute!!! I watched the video; Cooper looks like a pro :)


  5. Brilliant! Cooper is adorable :-)

  6. LOVE IT!!! I try to tell our cat that he and I both need some time on the treadmill!!! He doesn't really listen, so I end up doing it alone. At least you have a gym partner! LOL

  7. SO funny! Okay, #1, if you can even WEAR 1990s spandex, then you must have an amazing rear-end! #2, shouldn't the dog be wearing spandex too?

  8. That is ADORABLE!!! I hope everyone goes and watches the video. So cute!!!

  9. Well, Coby, I have to admit that I do have an asset or two. However, it's a good thing high-waisted jeans are out; I wear two sizes higher in those than I do in low-rise! haha

  10. Thats so cute!

    Looks like you best ask Mr4444 for a second treadmill!

    Kill 2 birds with one stone!

    The video was fun!

  11. Thats so cute!

    Looks like you best ask Mr4444 for a second treadmill!

    Kill 2 birds with one stone!

    The video was fun!

  12. The first step is always the hardest. Once you get past the first day, it's all a piece of cake from there.

    I've never seen a dog run on a treadmill before. Love it. He might outlive you.

  13. I love Cesar Milan. I miss that show (as we no longer have satellite). It's good that the whiner got some exercise though-makes life easier for both of you. (aka poops him out!)

    Maybe you should get another one and run side by side! ;-)

  14. Ha! I KNEW I needed a dog! What a crack up!
    Have a great rest of the week,

  15. oh my goodness! that is the absolute cutest thing I have ever seen! ahhhh, I love it!

    oh, and now I am going to be talking with a Wisconsin accent, lol!

  16. My girls will have nothing to do with the treadmill. They whine so I'll get off of it, so I don't have them in the room with me when I'm using it!

  17. Oh so funny! Now, what you should have done is got the dog on his lead and taken him out for 45 minutes then both of you would have got your exercise, and he would not have had to miss ogling other doggies as you'd have been bound to meet a few on your walk :-)

  18. Only Cesar could get a dog to run on the treadmill for 45 minutes. This is stinkin' hilarious!

  19. thanks for sharing a great clip - I don't know how many dog treadmill clips there are but it's something I never thought I would see. thanks

    (please pass along to cooper - bark bark arr bark)

  20. To be honest, I'm pretty sure Cooper could care less about Cesar, but I did put it on for him, and he did go longer than ever on the treadmill, so I'm keeping that in mind for the future! :)

    Cooper says, "WOOF!"

  21. I don't know if I'm more impressed with your selflessness or Cooper's energy.

    P.S. You got 20 minutes more exercise than I did.

  22. your dog is so funny !! keep up the exercising it will be worth it ..

  23. Way to take one for the team! I know the story, except by the time I'm ready to go it's the whining of 4 small kids wanting ...anything... that they didn't need until I was occupied. Glad you got your time in!

  24. That is hysterical! I thought it was going to be something about kids whining. I love that he ran for that long too.

  25. omg was reading this on my google reader and had to comment, how cute!!
    miss ya!

  26. How adorable....should you get his and hers "sweater hangers" err I mean treadmills? That way you could walk together! =)

    I had a cat that loved my treadmill anytime he would hear that beep on it, I couldn't get on if I wanted!

  27. Cooper ROCKS!!! I am going to play the video again. This time I will show it to my Cooper n Murphy. Hopefully they are inspired! :o)

  28. Oh I LOVE it! Cooper is going to be a lean mean jogging machine!

  29. OMG I'm dying over here. Seriously? Wow, I love it!

    And hey, go do C25K with Melisa and I!


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