Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Murder Confession

I have to get this off my chest! I'm responsible for a murder tonight, the result of this comment:

Like every cold-hearted executioner I never met, I clicked Reject.
May God forgive me...


  1. Haha- I would have done the same. Spammers suck!

  2. I got this the other day and laughed so hard!

    I'm a murderer too.

  3. Everyone except me seems to be getting this one. I'm still getting the viagra specials and the ones telling me I have won a fortune. This sounds so much more exciting :-)

  4. I haven't gotten it, but this is not the first time Ive seen it.

  5. LOL- No one will convict you! I laughed so hard(keep in mind I'm reaally tired) Sorry you've been spammed!

  6. Bwahaha! I got a couple of those too and hit the delete button. We might be cellmates.

  7. I love that you didn't just reject it, but that you turned it into a post, too.

  8. LOL. Yes, you are in desperate need of some penis enlargement.

  9. I got this one too Barb. Looks like we murdered the same person. Does that make us co-conspirators?

    Quick....delete your history, scrub your hard drive. I'll do the same. When the feds come calling....mums the word.

  10. I see this note of desperation (cough) was in response to your post about the book!

    Not sure how to take THAT, but I'm glad you knew just what to do :)


  11. haha! Oh my gosh. That's hilarious.

  12. Hand over the gun. In fact hand it all around the circle.
    we'll all plug that puppy.

  13. There's a couple of these goin' around. One emails everyone's followers as that blogger and pretends to be in an emergency situations askin' that person to wire money that will be returned the next day. Just sayin'...BEWARE!!!

    It's a scary world out there.

    Have a super day hon!

  14. I got this one a few weeks ago and I too had to post it because I found it too funny lol

  15. This is hilarious! I've not yet received a spam comment like this...not too many followers yet, but I had no idea the spammers hit blogs too! Good to know. :)

  16. We need another choice to send it back where it came from and zap that computer.

  17. wow I hope they don't kill hi9m before he gets his penis enlarged...lol

  18. I was in webinar yesterday. The man leading the webinar had his email notifications turned on and while we were watching him explain everything, he was getting multiple spam emails. It made me wonder what he did at work while he wasn't training people!

  19. I have this same spammy comment saved for a post full of spam!! Gotta love it!

  20. Hahaha good you kill em! I hate spammers too!

  21. Wow - Thats real! (not)

    I never get those. Guess I'm lucky.

  22. a spammer with some humor - better than trying to pull on your heart strings or greed.

  23. I thought this was pretty original and was applauding the originality - then I received the message a few more times. How unoriginal! lol

    Kristin _ The Goat


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