Monday, September 27, 2010

A Fish Tale

Believe it or not, I had to practically drag Mr.4444 down the wedding aisle.
(We dates six years.)
Among other reservations, he feared I might be the type of wife who complains
when her husband goes fishing, duck hunting, deer hunting, etc.
(His mom hated that stuff!)

Finally, I convinced him.

I told him that I knew that fishing and all kinds of hunting were important to him;
why would I want him to become someone different after we were married?
I assured him that I would never be "that" wife,
and I've held to my word.
(It's been easy.)

On Thursday, when Mr.4444 mentioned that he'd like to go fishing
for the weekend, with his friend, Stuart,
I said, "Go!"
(He works so hard. He deserves it!)

So Mr.4444 went fishing.

Now, Mr.4444 has told some fish tales in his time,
all true, of course (wink-wink),
but this afternoon, he backed up his story
with his first-ever picture message sent via his Blackberry.

He was so excited, he sounded like a little kid!

Biggest small-mouth bass he has ever seen!

Tonight, Mr.4444 is sleeping like a baby,
dreaming, no doubt,
about another "great catch."

Have a big-fish week! :)


  1. Nothing like cold, hard proof to back up a "tale". He gets a pat on the back for that one. I enjoy fishing too, but I don't think I've ever caught one that big.

  2. when's the fish fry at your house??

  3. Great picture...great post! My husband loves to fish too, and I love the fresh fish we get from it!

  4. You are so smart not to try to change him and let him enjoy his outdoorsman activities. Great picture and so nice he couldn't wait to share it with you!

  5. Great fish and a great picture. Does he throw 'em back? Does he clean them himself?

    Inquiring minds want to know....

  6. I LOVE to fish... what a great catch that ust have put up a good fight... Congrats to Mr. 4444's!

  7. I try to push Mr. Weasel to go do stuff with guys. He never wants to leave the house.

    BTW, Mr.4444 was a great catch.

  8. Yay, Mr AND Mrs 4444!! I'm pretty sure that my husband is hoping to send me a picture of a dead deer this week-end. If he sends one, I will tell my husband that I'm smiling. I promise.

  9. That's a nice size bass. WI, MN and MI have great fishing locations - many of them without all the fishing pressure that we have around here. Hope he will catch moree!

  10. Did he get a weight on it? Some of my most cherished pictures of my dad involve him holding a fish. Fabulous!

  11. Wow! What a catch!

    His fish and his wife.

  12. That is very impressive! Great catch!

  13. Huge fish!

    I have never been "that" kind of wife either. It is easy to give my husband time for something that he loves and enjoys, and he does the same for me. We also make time for things that we love to do together....but really, I'm glad that I don't have to go fishing with him. =)

  14. nice fish and a nice looking cabin

    Understanding each other is a great thing.

    Do you know if he can use spiders for bait?

  15. is it too late for a Friday Fragments post?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Quite a catch there for sure -both the fish for Mr. 4444 and Mr. 4444 for you! Congrats all the way around!!!


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