[If this is your first time, please visit the Friday Fragments tab above.]
***Have you seen the CSN reviews on blogs here and there? I confess to a little jealousy, so I was very to accept their offer to do a review of my own! Maybe I'll review a contemporary bar stool, or a blender to replace the piece-of-junk one I recently bought, or a fun toaster, like this:
I haven't decided yet, so ( for now) you'll just have to stay tuned.
***Browsing the book fair at our school, I noticed the category, "Graphic Novels." When I was a kid, my dad said graphic novels were dirty and not allowed in our house. I read them anyway, of course. I still giggle, remembering the over-used "his swollen member" in reference to...well....swollen stuff. I'm guessing there are still plenty of novels out there that are graphic. However, for those not already in the know, a "graphic novel" is basically a thick comic book.
***Speaking of books, I found a great one this week on the subject of teens, social thinking, and autism. If you're interested, check out Michelle Garcia-Winner's Socially Curious, Curiously Social.
***Very few people know this, but I've written a board book for babies. The "prototype" has been gathering dust in a cupboard for at least five years. I just don't know what to do with it. Any serious suggestions?
***From Tinytown Police Report (This totally cracked up!)
Owner of sick and aggressive cat in bathroom needed it out so house guest could use the bathroom without getting bit. Officer exhausted all means and finally had complainant go into bathroom and get cat. Cat appeared normal and was not at all aggressive. Officer advised the complainant if she thought the cat needed medical attention, it was up to her to take it to the vet or just continue giving it medication.
***Our annual Halloween party this weekend! Two of my favorite guests will arrive on Friday: Weaselmomma and her husband, Weaseldaddy! I'm also looking forward to hanging out with Michelle, of Honest & Truly and Heather, of Soft Skies. This is going to be so much fun!!
Now it's your turn to unload the randomness of your week. [Non-FF links will be deleted] BTW, if you left a comment on my prematurely-posted FF post this afternoon, I apologize for deleting the whole post! :)
you're forgiven :)
ReplyDeleteI love CSN - there's so much to choose from, so good luck with figuring out your review :)
I can see you writing a baby book. I bet it's a really good one, too :)
ReplyDeleteWish I had a magic wand to transport me to the halloween party you're throwing. I'd come as Static Cling!
Thanks for linking me up last week, you're so great and totally full service!
Kristin _ The Goat
That cat police report story is hilarious!
ReplyDeletethis version explains the cat thing better - thanks
ReplyDeleteJust curious to learn more about the blogger process.
What happened with the premature post today? Did you need to delete it and then repost it?
I would buy the board book for my kids, and others kids... because I am a book fanatic and buy a new book for the kids every chance I get! I recently bought a book from a sweet lady who I met in the first few weeks of my blogging... We love the book and she signed it with a little message for all the girls too!
ReplyDeleteBut no, I have no serious suggestions.
On a totally random note, I just listened to the audio I Am Not Worthy. That was beautiful!
LOL about the cat report!! Too funny.
ReplyDeleteI guess my invite to the Hollerweenie party got lost in the mail??? ;) :(
Can't get my linky to work, so check it out here:
Thanks :)
I just read my very first graphic novel last night. It was written by my BFF, Jim. It's called "Return of the Dapper Men" and will be released to the public in early November (I get to do a giveaway of a copy signed by him and the artist soon!). I have to admit that I don't fully "get" the form but I also don't read comic books so I think that's why.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend......hope your party is a blast!
ReplyDeleteI got asked a long time ago to do a CSN review... I just deleted it... then saw everyone else getting all the cool stuff & now I'm kicking myself!!! :(
ReplyDeleteHope your party is a blast! have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think the police are saints. Why would someone call the police on their pet? :-)
ReplyDeleteHave fun at the party!
I've seen those toasters, but I'm of course partial to the Yankees version. Part of me wants to get one because I would love to eat some NYY toast, but the other part of me can't rationalize spending the $$ on junk like that.
ReplyDeleteI can't get over that cat story. Love that the cat didn't seem upset at all when they pulled it out. The cat was probably just trying to make it's owner look bad in front of company :)
I deleted my CNN review, too, Rebecca Jo. Not a good move!
ReplyDeleteWe bought from BuyCostumes.com this year and were very happy with the experience. I can't wait to see your party pix from this year. If only there weren't that lake between us...
I'm not a graphic novel fan and can't understand how much space they get at the library. I suppose that's why no president has ever appointed me Librarian General.
I'd go for the toaster, that's cool! Hope your party is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteOoooh, now I get the cat story. It took the second read...and yes I am blonde! Heeehehehe!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time this weekend with your party and friends. I know it's gonna be great and loaded with blog-fodder.
God bless ya sweetie!!!
You know I find you flawless ... but your sense of humor eludes me, this time. What is so funny about that whole cat thing?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I can see you writing a baby book. Between you and me, perhaps we could find an agent and get yours and mine published?
Get the baby book out!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour weekend sounds really fun!
That Tinytown police report is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI would like to have a toaster like the one you show in the picture, only mine would have to be COLTS instead of Packers! :)
ReplyDeleteUgh! Sorry for the double post!! Ack!
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, sounds like you're gonna have an awesome time at your party! How fun! Hubby and I went to a Halloween party last year...and it was my first ever in my adult life. You sound like a pro at this!
I've totally eyeballed the CSN giveaways. I need a new toaster. Hmmm...
Have a great weekend!
I actually won two, count 'em, two CSN giveaways in a week's time! lol! They are fabulous!
ReplyDeleteCannot wait to hear about the Halloween party!!!
(Huge Halloween giveaway on my blog right now!)
I love hearing about your Halloween parties.
ReplyDeleteI love your take on Graphic Novels. When I first saw the section in Barnes & Noble and I laughed. Novels? We called those comic books. It does sound like something dirty -- LOL!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your review. I love CSN!
I remember your post from last year about your Halloween party. Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm sure you'll be posting pictures.
ReplyDeleteAs for the "graphic novel", I won't go there. LOL
I can assure you that people call the police for "THE" most unbelievable reasons.
Oh, I forgot. Advertise your board book on Amazon.com
ReplyDeleteI thought I left a comment already, im sorry :(
ReplyDeleteI hope your party is a blast!
Have a great weekend!
Ummm sorry, do you hate me? Your party hasn't even started yet, and I'm so tired I'm headed to bed. It wasn't safe for me to drive that far on my own :( Have a great time, and I'm so sorry I'm missing it... again.