Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Winners/Sundays in My City

This week, the landscapes in Wisconsin have been absolutely stunning! We're getting short on daylight, and since I've been giving Kendall a lot of driving lessons, I haven't had a ton of time for pics, but I pulled right over to take this one, on my usual way home from work. (I just LOVE this quirky tree!)

And on Thursday evening, I really hit gold. See if you don't agree...(These are completely untouched photos! The sky was really this color; I saw two other people pulled over, also taking pictures of these unbelievable skies!!)

I felt so blessed, gazing at these gorgeous colors. What gifts!  I also took the time to drink in the smaller things in life....

I've posted these favorites on my Posterous site,where I put only my most favorite photos. (There, you can click on them to make them really pop out.)

Ah, the fall soothing to the frenzied soul.  I'm going to have to keep these handy; with Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday nights, I'm not going to be seeing much daylight for a while...

Visit Unknown Mami for more Sundays in My City colors from around the globe and I Am Lotus for other Weekly Winners!


  1. That third shot is just gorgeous! The colors are so amazing.

  2. That quirky tree is awesome!

    The skys you get in your part of the world are amazing. Really beautiful!

  3. The colors in all of your shots are just amazing. Love the trees.

  4. gorgeous pics, that sky is amazing. I find sky shots truly spiritual

  5. I can see why you stopped to take pictures. I would have too. You live in a beautiful area, and these are all frame worthy.

  6. Beautiful....I love this collection of images! Wisconsin here I come!!!!!

  7. Wow Im envious of those beautiful skies you've been having! just beautiful

  8. This is my first time visiting and participating. You have some great shots. I love sky photos. And autumn is my favorite time of year. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The lighting on the second shot, the bare tree and dark clouds, is very dramatic. Wonderful shot.

  10. Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  11. That quirky tree is indeed lovely, unique.

  12. Wonderful set! I am a sucker for the fall colors too!

  13. I have a "thing" for trees, so I really enjoyed your set this week. Great shots, especially the first one. Quirky is such a great adjective and a perfect description of that tree!

  14. Gorgeous pictures! I can't believe the amazing colors of the sky!

    PS too funny about our girls driving...seriously I have aged in the last three weeks. We went on the highway for the first time. I seriously saw my life almost end!! praying we all survive the next 6 months!!

  15. Beautiful sunsets! I think I saw them too, but didn't have my camera handy (as usual). Your pictures are grrrrreat!

  16. Those skies ARE amazing, but I particularly love the clarity in the first shot!

  17. I really love seeing all the the colors in nature. It's amazing to witness once you take note. Beautiful photos!

  18. really stunning colors in those skies! great captures.

  19. What gorgeous colors!! I can see why you'd stop!! Wonderful shots this week!

  20. There's something about fall skies that I just love. You have some gorgeous pics!! Wow!

  21. I so want to visit your neck of the woods. Beautiful.

  22. first pic - are those pumpkins along the road placed in a row?

    Third pic - amazing colors

  23. Your quirky tree looks like it's just been to the barber shop for a butch haircut!

    Your pictures a just colorfully amazing.

    Have the best week girl!!!

  24. those photos are gorgeous! and i love your new header :)

  25. Fall is the best time of year. How great has the Midwestern weather been for the last four weeks? Wonderful photos.

  26. Oh my word. Those skies are sensational. I'm glad you pulled over.

  27. I love those photos - such gorgeous skies! And yes, quirky describes that tree perfectly!

    Gah! Driving lessons though?

  28. Oh I miss those fall colors and beautiful skies!!

  29. You are right - I do love your post. I am so in love with the fall colors and the sunset you captured is delightful!! Thanks :)

    Kristin - The Goat

  30. Beautiful colors, art of nature!
    Have a good week ahead!

  31. I've often said that I need to keep my camera in my car so that I can capture the moments that catch my eye... gorgeous pics, Ma'am!!

  32. Your Pics are amazing!!! So beautiful there!

    I just came up on your blog and love it. I have added you to my blogroll. I've added your button as well. And I have entered my first Saturday Sampling entry. I'm checking out other entries now.

    I love your blog! I will be back! Would love for you to come visit mine as well. Come by anytime.

    Have a great one!


  33. I love, love this set, wow! gorgeous, and that tree is perfect!

  34. I'm not big on "fall color"....but those are really pretty pictures! They remind me of something my mom or grandmother would paint!

  35. http://whatthegrimmgirllooksforwardto.blogspot.comOctober 22, 2010 at 7:53 PM

    I've been to lots of states in the US, but never Wisconsin. It looks beautiful! I haven't seen your blog before, but I see we read a lot of the same folks!


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