Monday, December 13, 2010

Patty Cake Cats

This is the best video ever. I got it via Twitter from Larry Ferlazzo, who is worth a gazillion dollars if shared links are worth anything (that man is a goldmine of resources)! I laughed all the way through this video which was captured and then voiced over by a couple of guys who seem like they'd be a lot of fun at a party :)


  1. omg....Im cracking up I love it! Thanks for my morning laugh!! Drive safe today and be careful! Awesome video!

  2. I want to go the youth group where those guys are! You gotta love clever like that.

  3. I had to send it to my daughter! Loved it!

  4. I posted this on my blog a week or so ago - it's too good not to share!!

    Kristin - The Goat

  5. I saw this one before, and I still laugh.

  6. I've watched this 3 times and have laughed MORE each time!


  7. good funny but I'm not a big cat person. I think cats get too much attention on the internet we need more dogs like your treadmill running dog.

  8. Very clever! I wonder how long it took them to get the overdub just right.

  9. OH MY WORD!!! That was soooooo funny!! I've gotta put that one on my blog! My readers would love it!


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