Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sundays in My City

Sundays in My City is one of my favorite places to visit. This weekly photo meme is hosted by Unknown Mami, who lives in one of the most interesting cities in the U.S.--San Francisco. Visit Unknown Mami to travel to places all over the world with just a few clicks :)

Lately, I've been so busy, I haven't had time to take many photos.

Between Difference Makers, school in general (grades were due Friday, going to a 2-day technology conference this week), and helping out with the high school choir's Madrigal Dinner on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I've been running around like a crazy woman. Thankfully, my ride in to school continues to ground me; the day I just zip by a sunrise like this will be the day I'm checking into the Looney Bin.

Here's to a sunrise-noticing, stop-and-smell-the-roses kind of week for you, too.


  1. What a magical sky...

    Busy here (still in Finland) too - being in bed! I have terrible flu...atchii!

  2. I'm a nature type of gal and I love this shot! Thanks for sharing and hope you have more time to relax this coming week.

  3. Thats so pretty! What a great view to start your day with!

  4. I envy your sunrise. This one is particularly stunning.

  5. Amazing sunrise....have a great week and don't forget to Breathe!

  6. That rivals some of the sunrises I see going into work when I head toward the mountains! Makes you give pause and thank the Lord, doesn't it? :D

  7. ...and with no spiders in the car too. What a beautiful start of the day1

  8. Life should never be so busy that you go through the day with blinders on, and miss out on all of the wonder around us. Nice picture.

  9. I have not mastered the sunrise/sunset shots yet. You get a lot of good ones! Thank you :)

    Kristin - The Goat

  10. I was recently in your neck o' the woods, and suggested a coffee table book on silos to my photographer youngest, Ella Numera Dos. What a beautiful, "arty" snap! I spent Thanksgiving Week making Lefse. How 'bout you?

  11. What an inspiring sunrise to start your day with. Gorgeous.
    Happy SIMC, jj

  12. nice pic - hope you are careful taking pictures from your car.

    We all tend to look for things in the clouds. I see an eye looking down from the clouds but maybe it is just my laptop.

  13. What a beautiful sunrise you captured!

    It's the time of year that we are all runnin' around like chickens with their heads cut off!!!

    God bless ya and have a fabulous day!!! :o)

  14. I was about to say what a beautiful sunSET! that's what it looks like on my end of the world!

    Gorgeous pic!


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