Friday, February 25, 2011


Kyle told me yesterday that he and his fraternity brothers are doing the Polar Plunge tomorrow to raise money for Special Olympics!

In case you don't know what the Polar Plunge is, just picture crazy people jumping (many half-naked) into frigid water in the name of charity.

Kyle's just getting over being sick for several days--pray that he doesn't get pneumonia as a result of this insanity!! I'll be there, but only to take pictures, trust me!  If you would like to donate to Kyle's team, email me, and I'll help you get to his page. Otherwise, you can find this worth cause here.

Update: Thanks to Rebecca sharing this fun idea, I also found a FREE way to donate to another great cause, and it only took me a few minutes!

Go on--You know you want to do it, too. Click here to make yourself bald, and BIC will donate $4 to the Make A Wish Foundation on your behalf! They'll even donate up to $400 if you do real thing!  Have fun :)


  1. Oh, good for him!, although I hope he is ok afterwards. I think it's a great idea, but I'm chicken!

  2. You can click on my blog and raise money the easy way. Just upload a photo of yourself and use a template to make yourself look bald and send it in and get $4 donated to Make A Wish.........Going bald for Joey or something is the title of that post

  3. You go Kyle!!! I'll pray he stays well for this worthwhile fundraiser.
    I have a feelin' the pictures will be great!

    I'm keepin' my hair. I've got a feelin' I've got one of those ugly heads under this great hair. Heeehhe!

    God bless and enjoy girl! :o)

  4. are you going to collect the baldies?

    I was listening to some music (a post is coming) and I found this. It reminded me of that McDonald's story of yours.

  5. Is it worse than running around the house after a big GB win hmmm.......

  6. OMG, that pic is hilarious!
    I wish him well with his Polar Plunge, I can't even imagine!

  7. Special Olympics is near and dear to my heart. and kudos for Kyle and his Frat for helping raise money for them......

    but he is BAT-POOP CRAZY!!!

    I mean REALLY!


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