Monday, February 14, 2011

Celebrating True Love

My Aunt Shirley and Uncle Herb had been married for more than 60 years when she passed away last spring.
  When their daughter, Beth, showed me this photo (taken in 1947), I knew I had to share it.  
It's a picture that "says a thousand words" about their relationship, don't you think?

You don't stay married that long without a sense of humor! :)

Happy Valentines Day :)


  1. Love this picture! Happy Valentines Day to you, too!

  2. ADORABLE!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

  3. I love it! That's a pic to be saved and framed forever.

  4. That picture could be on a greeting card. Love it!

    A sense of humor is the only thing that's kept me married to The TO for the last 15 years.

  5. I wholeheartedly agree - that picture should definitely be on a greeting card. AWESOME!!!

  6. Okay, that was weird - the comment above was ME (Coby), but it's under my husband's account. Anyway, LOVE the picture!

  7. Absolutely!!! Ya can't have a great marriage without the sense of humor that lets ya laugh at each other and yourself!

    Have a great day filled with loads of lovin' and chocolate!!! :o)

  8. So cute:) Thanks Barb for sharing!

  9. Great photo! Happy V-day, 4x4!

  10. except for the time period clothing this looks like my wife and I on our deck. I've talked her into using a softer nerf wane though.
    You should do a caption game with that photo.

    (the word v thing is yorecess - that's "yo recess" you probably say that all the time at work)

  11. Funny, I never saw that pic or that side of them! I mean, they did have a good sense of humor, but I didn't know it was THAT great! I always loved going to their home in the summer to see Cousin Sue and the others, but I was so jealous of Mary that I did not like her taggin along. :0 Thankfully Mary forgave me for all the times when we were kids that I tried to ditch her!

  12. It's a perfectly wonderful photo... and how I've missed stopping by!

  13. Oh. Oh my. I LOVE that! Somehow, I don't think I'll be able to talk my husband into posing for that one. And speaking of which, WHO do you get to take a picture like that, and how do you ask them? Hey, Fred, do you mind taking this picture? It's all a joke, but I'm going to pretend to whip my husband. C'mon, it'll be fun!

  14. That's hilarious. Thanks for sharing!

    60yrs is a LOOOONNNNNGGGGG time. I hope I can be so fortunate.

  15. I love this pic, so true that you need a sense of humor!

  16. Holy frijole, that picture is hysterical!


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