Thursday, February 3, 2011

Friday Fragments, Episode #132

Welcome to the home of Friday Fragments, where we write the easiest, yet most-satisfying (and often entertaining) posts of our week!  Collect bits and pieces of your week (observations, quotes, burning questions, etc.) and share them in your own FF post. Link it up here and then meet up with some old and new fragmented buddies :)  [To learn more, please click on the tab above.]

***Last week, I got such a kick out of Lisleman's Fabulous Fabricated Fricasseed Fragments that it reminded me that I haven't remembered to mention a Favorite Friday Fragmenter in a while! Sorry about that! Visit A Few Clowns Short to see 4444 Toothpicks in My Hair video inspiration for the award this week. Thanks, Lisleman! (And BTW, I hope your shoveling arm has healed by now, just in time to clap for the Pack this Sunday! :)

Oh, and one more thing--I hope you like my newly-designed Favorite Fragmenter button!!! Lisleman, I hope you feel special, being the first recipient and all...

Wear it proudly! (And if you need it in a different size, let me know :)

***So many of my Difference Makers kids are in forensics that I had to cancel our meeting for tonight (and watch some of their performances, instead).  Those kids--so stinkin' cute. I just loved watching all of the skits (even the ones of kids I didn't know). I wonder if I was that brave at their ages (I doubt it!)

***Heard in the Classroom This Week: "Muscular dystrophy is a disorder that weekends your muscles." Hmm...I guess they were correct, on some level, at least.

I know this comes as a shock, but I'm all out of randomness already. (You're welcome :)  Now it's your turn to link up! See you soon!


  1. I love the new button! I was missing the Favorite Fragmenter feature.
    Have a good weekend!

  2. I'm not joining in this week as I won't be available to go visiting the other fragmenters - but I did post a link. Sometimes a gal's just gotta send some love :)

    Ya know sometimes I think I have some weekend muscles LOL I could never seem to come up with any skits, but was amazed at some of the skits that my peers would do! So glad you enjoyed yourself.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I was all about forensics club in high school. You are making me all nostalgic now.

  4. thank you - an award that's shiny new and still smells like a new car. Really it so nice to be mentioned on your blog.
    Unfortunately I'm on the road (hotels with wi-fi the best) so I'll be missing the FF this week but hey if any readers missed the award winning one please check it out - it's still fresh.
    Oh - you know I was just thinking about the Packers - since they have a fan as sweet and nice as you how could they possibly lose?
    all the best

  5. Clearly, this insanely cold weather here in New Mexico has weekend my brain. ;-) I had to read it 3 times before I noticed that "weekends" is incorrect!

  6. Art Linkletter was correct when he said, "kids say the darnedest things!!! Gotta love 'em!!

    God bless ya and have a wonderful weekend!!!

  7. That toothpick in the hair video was a riot, wasn't it? Good pick. (get it, pick?) Lisleman is so cool.
    Wisconsin gets the gold star from TechnoBabe and James for the Middle Level Forensics Association of Wisconsin. This is a wonderful program and we wish every state would provide a similar program. Our children are the future.

  8. Ah yes, the wisdom of children... heard in my classroom this week "Ms T, you were glasses?" "Ms T, I didn't know you wore glasses!" No less than 30 times. I would have bet money I'd worn them before, but it must have been on a Work Day, cause I rocked their little worlds!

  9. Happy Friday! Love the new button! Did you hear....Unknown Mami had her baby yesterday...both are doin great. Have a wonderful weekend...Go Packs!

  10. I guess your mind must just be so focused on the big game that there's no room for randomness!

    Hope things go your way on Sunday. I still haven't decided which team I like less.

  11. I think my muscles are weekend-ed myself ;)

    Love the new button... something to strive for!! :)

  12. I'll admit that I had to look up forensics becuase I thought it was just a CSI thing. I just hate not knowing everything.

  13. Can't say as I have much "randomness" in me today either! I've got to much cooking to do this weekend to think of much else!

  14. The new button is very nice!

    Love the overheard conversations. I have a couple from around here in my fragments this week too.

    Have a great weekend! Enjoy the game Sunday!

  15. Yep, the new button is hella cool!

  16. I was missing the favorite too..
    I was also going crazy watching you teeter so close to 500 followers; I know we are not supposed to worry about such things I'm just saying I was relieved when you made it over :)
    Good Luck Sunday..I'll be thinking of you and a few others in that neck of the woods!


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