Monday, July 25, 2011

Funny Monday

Better late than never...It is still Monday, right?!

One of my summer school students shared this YouTube video with me.
It comes from a user called JustForLaughsTV. I am now a subscriber.

Have a Happy Monday :)

This just in: Lisleman has a new feature called Lisleman's Left-Over Laughs.

I'm in!


  1. This was awesome. Thanks for sharing. I love pranks like that. Funny and nobody gets hurt. Awesome!

  2. Hey funny teacher lady - You are very welcomed to link this on my LLL post (was up Sunday).

    Good clip but the laugh track (sounds like a laugh track) doesn't help. I would rather have without the laugh track. I know you have nothing to do with making the video.

  3. Oh, the good old days----like a Candid Camera gag.

  4. I love that show. Very few shows leave me laughing out loud but that does!!

  5. Oh I'd die! I love this, stumbled!

  6. I would be soooo mad!!!! But that was hilarious!

  7. Thanks for going back linking up to LLL and adding the LLL link and button on here. I think I'll do another on in about a month.

  8. Thanks for sharing this--I think I'm going to subscribe too!

  9. I suggested to PBJDreamer to try and do a meme or linky (Like you do Saturday Sampling and Friday Fragments) so others can participate in her Make a Difference Monday's. Can you please stop by her blog and help her out by giving her some tips on setting up the meme. ((If you visit my blog, the most current post is an example of what I'd like to post on her page for the link up. She does stuff like this almost every Monday))


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