Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sundays in My City: Franklin Lake 2011

Sundays in My City is a wonderful weekly photo meme hosted by the equally-wonderful Unknown Mami.

Our summer (which is almost over, obviously) would not be complete without a family camping trip to Franklin Lake, in the Nicolet National Forest. 
I'm putting a few of my favorite shots here, followed by a slideshow (for the curious in the bunch)
with those and the rest of my favorites.

This one is of Cooper, at the beach, where we may or may not have seen 
a sign that read "No Dogs on the Beach."
Hey, take it easy; there were only five other people on the beach at the time,
and we at least kept him out of the water,

which practically killed the poor thing.
Don't worry--he did have his own water fun, which you'll see in the slideshow.

By the way, we didn't shower for three days
(though four of us went swimming, once).
That's the explanation for the shot of Mr.4444's hairdo, 
which he cheerfully declared that he had "worked on all weekend."

Create a free slideshow with Picnik!

So, we're all unpacked, the gear's still got to get stowed, and the laundry pile is
And, or course, there's that little matter of a shower!

Hope you had a great weekend, too! :)

Visit Unknown Mami for more summer scenes from around the globe!


  1. Love the slide show! Now I want to go camping more than ever.

  2. Thanks, Cyndy. It's actually a great time to go--the mosquitoes are gone! (here, anyway, thank GOODness!)

  3. Enjoyed your pictures but I feel sorry for Cooper. He looks kind of sad. Maybe those stupid signs made him feel unwelcome and he was worried someone would come along and yell at him or worse, arrest him! Your pictures are pretty though--looks like a relaxing and peaceful spot.

  4. Great shots you make camping look fun! Love the hair do on Mr 4444's awesome! Have a wonderful Monday!

  5. Great slide show! I especially love the ones of the kids but I enjoyed all of the pictures! You sure know how to have some camping fun!

  6. Sigh---
    The story of my life in the summer when I still had kids at home. I loved the pictures and the slide show too. I can almost smell the smoke.

  7. Wow - great photos. Looks like you had a chance to relax.

  8. Franklin Lake looks like a wonderful place to relax. Wonderful slideshow.

  9. AaaaaahhhhhHH!!... Can I go next time?I loved the "hairdo", Cooper and mr 4s on the steps, and the boak pics best. Great family moments!


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