Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday Fragments, Episode #167

I'm so glad it's Friday. Aside from the fact that it's (Hello!) the weekend, it's our chance to purge our minds of randomness. Thanks for stopping by! [click the tab above to learn more about Friday Fragments]

My Difference Makers students and I had a big plan to rake/blow leaves around town after school today. Mother Nature had other plans. Instead, we planned parts of our year, harvested veggies from the school's garden (No, we didn't eat them--Just helped out.), and shredded a LOT of papers for the office secretaries. Their biggest idea for this year--To host a walk/run to get a jump on fundraising for our Relay for Life team this year.

I have a busy weekend planned; I'm working a high school choir event (and making cake pops for the bake sale), as well as chaperoning "Friday Fun Night" tonight. (Picture 400 hormone-induced adolescents running around like crazy. Pray for me.)  I'm really looking forward to both, as it's all good for kids, and they will be appreciative.

I wonder if this really works....

How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds from on Vimeo.
I'll let you know the next time I need a whole head of garlic.

I love the Disqus commenting system, but I don't love that it doesn't always take me to your blogs when I click on your names (I have to go to my reader for that.). Maybe I'm missing something (besides your blogs)?

I'm so excited about a possible opportunity to become a Google Trainer at my school!  As you know, I love pretty much all things Google--Keeping fingers crossed over here....

Okay, I'm now defragged.  Got fragments? Link up your Friday Fragments post here (Sorry--All others links will be deleted.):

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