Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sundays in My City: Halloween Party Recap

As I type this, we have ten overnight guests starting the party all over again, outside in the garage. 
I am afraid to open my email for fear of reading an irate message from a neighbor; 
the police were called "by two neighbors" last night, 
but I'm told that your party doesn't really rate until the police are called, so we have that going for us. Seriously, though--10:45pm on a Saturday night and you're calling the police for a party that 
a) happens only once per year 
b) that you were invited to? 
In the neighborhood's defense, though, the band was kind of loud (and outside). I hope they can forgive us.

I am so tired.

Okay, so here are a few shots to give you a feel for how the party went.

First, a little of the food....

Cake pops (carrot, strawberry, and chocolate cakes)...

Fifteen pounds of barbecue. (There was enough left for a little brunch this morning.)

A brain soaked in vodka (much like some of our guests this morning)...

As usual, guests went all out on their costumes. 
I was too busy to take a ton of photos, but I do have a few to share. 

The decades....

Superman rescued Cowgirl Weaselmomma (all the way from Chicago!)

Even the religious in the crowd got rowdy. 
(I had a naughty caption for this one but decided I'll leave that up to you. Yes, that's a little weenie.)

We had no shortage of zombies at the party. Check out the makeup on this crew!  
(It was all done by the girl zombie in the skirt.)

The nails game was as big a hit as ever.

The Lark Brothers Band was awesome,
 and my cousin Jeanie [Carlin] (also a professional musician) joined them for several numbers, 
which was a real treat.

As usual, we had a few pole dancers...

No pole dancing for me (or Mr.4444), but we had a wonderful time. 
I'm sure I'll get a better photo from someone else, but here's one of me and Mr.4444.
Can you guess what he was?

Okay, I guess I should start cleaning up in here.

I'd welcome a distraction, though...

...and a nap.

Visit Unknown Mami for fun/beautiful/interesting photos from around the globe.

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