TGIF!! It's time to frag: Unload the randomness from your week and free your mind of clutter.
Thanks for joining us!
Thanks for joining us!
***I published I'm Shallow and I know It today and am still chuckling about it. In a scary twist, though, Seth shared the post on Google Plus. If I suddenly go missing, I suggest you investigate the
***Well, Kendall doesn't have an ulcer, but we already knew that. The belching continues. We have an appointment with a gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks.
***Speaking of Kendall, she chastised me this week for not blogging often enough and for slacking on my fragments lately. What can I say; I've been at a loss for words!
***As I type this, Mr.4444 and I are watching Infested! on Animal Planet. I'd like to go on record saying that I would rather live in a place that has blizzards and frigid temperatures than live in a place that is cockroach-friendly.
***In a couple of weeks, I'll be presenting a training on Google Docs for my school district as part of an in-service day. We have an entire morning's worth of technology workshops going on, and every single presenter is a district employee; no need to hire out! I think that's pretty cool, and I feel blessed to be a part of it.
***For what it's worth, I am soooo over my blog header and background, but we have had barely any snow this year so far, and I don't want to change the header until I can get a pretty shot of my tree in the snow. Keeping fingers crossed...
***WOOHOO! I just learned that I won a $50 Visa Gift Card from @Downy for tweeting during the Super Bowl for their Downy Unstopables #touchdowny giveaway (which I learned about through my involvement in the One2One Network). I loved Downy before, and I love them even more now :)
***A few days ago, my college sophomore Kyle found himself tongue-tied in the stairwell of his dorm when he encountered a girl he hadn't met yet. They passed like strangers in the night often do. The chip-off-the-old -block couldn't get her out of his head later, so he wrote this on his dorm's Facebook page:
To the cute brunette that I gaped at in the second floor stairwell- I'm sorry, I was distracted. What I MEANT to say was 'hi! we should get coffee some time!' or something clever like that :)
She saw the post and "Liked" it. They have a date planned. (The 4444 charm strikes again!)
***I took nine Difference Makers to a local nursing home tonight. Some of them had never been to a nursing home. One of the little girls was struggling to think of a conversation-starter to use with her Bingo partner. She left the game for a minute to come and ask me if it would be okay to ask, "What's it like to be so old?" I suggested, instead, to use "So, do you have any grandkids?".
Assuming these fragments are enough for Kendall, that's it for me! Your turn:
I think you did a great job on your fragments this week. I loved your "I'm Shallow and I Know It" post. It really is timely for me since I'm memorizing James 2:1-4 at the moment about showing partiality.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about those cockroaches--Yuck! I'd prefer the cold and snow to that too.
Way to go, Kyle!
Awesome you got a 50 dollar gift card! I love your Friday Fragments and soon I will link up!