Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just Checking In...

Just a few updates for you....

Sadly, it's looking like I may be allergic to Steve! Kind of ironic, given that I healthily coexisted with a golden retriever for 11 years, but I've had my chronic cough ever since the day after we brought Steve home, and my face itches every time I touch it after petting him.  Last weekend, I took Zyrtec for one day and stopped coughing almost immediately. This weekend, Steve's going on a little experimental weekend visit elsewhere, so that should provide some clues.

On the exciting-news front, I am now a Certified Google Apps for Education Trainer!  What does that mean? It simply means that Google won't deny knowing me, should I offer my services as a trainer for Google Apps for Education (Gmail, Docs/Drive, Calendar, Sites, etc.)  It also means that I am going to have to keep up-to-date on the often-changing, ever-innovating Google Apps front. This summer, I hope to be able to supplement my teacher income by doing some trainings. I also hope to attend a Google "event" or two!

I have received more than ten spam comments in the past 24 hours, so I've disabled Anonymous commenting for the time being. I appreciate your understanding about this, Geri, Lisa and Erika :)

For those wondering how the puppies are doing, here's the best shot I could get for a 4th-week size comparison:

In other news, I broke my camera this week (and no, it's not really going to be worth paying to fix.  As you can imagine, I'm sick about it.) From here on out, the phone on my Motorola Atrix2 is going to have to suffice.

And finally, if you're wondering if Milo still has the upper hand, here's a little video for you.

What's new with you?


  1. LOVE puppy videos! They are toooooooo cute!
    Congrats on the Google stuff! That's awesome!

  2. Oh dear! If it's any consolation, my sister's lab is apparently allergic to her... and itself and pretty much every other known allergin in the universe. She now has to give it weekly baths. Did I mention my sister is almost 6 months pregnant?

    My camera is broken too! :-(

    1. :( on the camera!!

      Wow on that lab--Sounds expensive, too! Is it a purebred?

  3. That's very sad you are allergic to Steve AND you broke your camera--hope you have a good day today!

  4. I could watch puppies play all day long, seriously.

    Congrats on the Google thing: I know how hard you worked to achieve that! Great news!

  5. Love the video.....wonder how much longer Milo will be the boss...they are too cute! Congrats on Google apps gig! I hope allergy medicine works and you don't mind taking it...Steve is too sweet.

  6. I hope you're not allergic to Steve =( They are just the cutest 2 things ever.

  7. Congrats on the Google certification! Milo is so, so cute!!

  8. hey congrats on the google cert. BTW what does the google "sites" offering give you?
    Strange that you would have a reaction since you had the other dog for many years.
    Don't know if you would bother but even broken camera are sold on ebay. The inside parts are useable.

    1. Thanks,Bill. Google Sites is a website-building app that's free and very customize-able. I never thought of selling my camera on Ebay; that's a great idea. Thanks.

  9. How's miserable, to be allergic to something so cute. I hope you don't have to rehome him, but I do understand the necessity if you are allergic. The dander from the lab must be different than the dander from a retriever.

    We are adapting to a new malady here as well. Being a one-handed wonder really stinks at times.

    I have also had a few spam comments myself. Some of them are very bizarre aren't they?

    1. Sorry to hear you're short-limbed. off to catch up....

  10. They are so cute! Hope the allergy turns out to be something other than Steve!

  11. Serious bummer about the allergies.
    But congrats on the Google certification!

  12. oops - opened this in a new window... meant to comment on the FF post - hope you are not allergic to Steve!

  13. Super happy to hear about your Google news. Sorry to hear that you seem to be allergic to cuteness. Oh and the camera breaking is just a bummer. I remember that last time you had camera issues and were able to get it fixed. Maybe Santa will bring you one?


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