Fun Fact: I think Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies are in a league of their own.
Mr.4444 and I are the only ones home these days, so we have no little ones to feed. Consequently, I felt a little silly making Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Macaroni & Cheese for just us, but it was a sweet little walk back in time. Mr.4444 and I both really liked the taste of the Butter Parmesan's mildly-cheesy pasta. We both liked the broader, fish-shaped noodles; they reminded us a little of dumplings. I'm certain that little kids would love this mac-n-cheese, too. It was a good thing our kids weren't around, though, because the portions were exactly enough for two adults only.
Fun Fact: Pepperidge Farm was created by Margaret Rudkin, mom of three boys, in the 1930s. She was trying to bake a bread that her son (who had many allergies) could not only tolerate but love. She was obviously successful.
The Cheddar-flavored mac-n-cheese was good, too; I made it for myself one night when Mr.4444 was out of town, and I liked it, though the flavor was mild. The 5.5 oz box says it makes "about 1 cup prepared," but I measured and found it to be 1 3/4 cups (prepared), an adequate amount for two adults.
As for the pizza-flavored mac-n-cheese, Mr.4444 and I decided that kids would like this flavor, but it wasn't our favorite.
Fun Fact: The idea for goldfish-shaped crackers originated in Switzerland, though Pepperidge Farm was the first to bring them to the U.S, in the 1960s.
I also received some Pepperidge Farm crackers and snacks,
and because I'm an awesome mom,
I sent them in care packages to my college kids for their opinions. They were very much appreciated, and the products traveled well. Kyle received the Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs and said that he "couldn't put 'em down." Kendall and her friends loved the flavor of the Buffalo Wings Puffs and "basically inhaled" them. They also commented that they wish they could buy goldfish crackers in that flavor.
Fun Fact: I can eat an entire bag of goldfish pretzels in one sitting.
Pepperidge Farm products: I really don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
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