Yep; that's a new Friday Fragments button!
In honor of my freshening up the button,
I would appreciate it if you'd read my Friday Fragments specifics here.
Thanks for being here.
I can't tell you how much I love the Crystallize feature on Ribbet (formerly known as Picnik, I think).
I highly recommend the site, which is free and very user-friendly.
Here's a better look at the inspiration for my new FF button:
And the original:
(Yes, that's my favorite tree.)
Now I need to change my header.
Maybe something spring-ish.
Some would jump me for saying this, but I'm fine with the snow we keep accumulating;
I'm told that Lake Michigan is 85% frozen right now.
We need that snow/future lake water.
Grandma 4444 turned 77 last week.
To celebrate, Kyle came home (2-hour drive) and surprised her, taking her out for dinner.
Isn't that sweet?
Mr. 4444 and I also took her out for lunch on Sunday.
Afterwards, we drove out to the bay (Get it? Green Bay?),
and Mr.4444 freaked his mother out by driving directly onto the ice
and out about 100 yards.
From the back seat, she very sweetly and quietly,
"I don't like this. I don't need to do this."
(He's always been the one to give her gray hairs.)
She's a great sport.
I learned this week Why You Should Never, Ever Put Two Spaces After a Period,
so I'm trying to break the double-space habit,
which was drilled into my head for two years by my high school secretarial teachers.
The final word on my use of the Disqus commenting system
is that I'm going to continue with it until something I like better turns up.
To the two (of 22) who responded to my survey and said you can't stand it,
I am sorry.
That's it for me. How about you? Link up your Friday Fragments post below:
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