Monday, January 7, 2008

Hooray, Hooray! Two-Hour Delay!

First the clouds, then the fog! The bad thing about getting up so early (5:10am today; The Boy had a Student Council meeting before school) is that it's too late to crawl back in bed when you hear about the Fog Delay on the radio just as you are about to walk out the door. On the bright side, this means I get to get back to the book I started reading yesterday; 245 pages into A Thousand Splendid Suns should tell you something!

Have a fantastic Monday!!!


  1. I love delays! Thanks for the welcome to blogging.

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's always exciting to try and figure out how someone has "found me" :)
    I'm supposed to be exercising - but I just figured I'd turn on my laptop first and make sure there weren't any emergencies ...and then I checked my blog, saw your comment - - - and now it will be all your fault if I stay fat, because I've just spent all my allotted exercise time reading your blog.

    I love your comments about TGG, and your mom sounds like a hoot! My mouth is also watering for some of that city chicken. So now I'm fat..AND hungry!!!

    The only thing I couldnt figure out is which part of your sidebar is The Cloud. I'm a new blogger and have so...much to learn.



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