Sunday, January 27, 2008

Memories of Grandma

I remember very little of Grandma D (my mom's mom). I do remember her delicious chicken and rice dish, the marathon Scrabble games she and her daughters played, and the time my sister Judy got caught in the rope swinging in Grandma's barn and was swinging by one ankle! (We were so scared we'd get in trouble!) I also remember that Grandma loved roses.

I remember more about Grandma's house; the farm. There was an old, dilapidated outhouse beside the garage, and we "city" kids delighted in using it, even though there was a perfectly good toilet inside the house! There was a tiny, charming kitchen inside the house, and a big walk-in pantry. Grandma's house was full of healthy, flowering plants; clear evidence of her "green thumb" (something my own mom inherited from her!) Her many flower beds outside were a sight to behold.

This is part of the foreword I wrote in a family cookbook I organized in 1993, when Kyle was just a baby. I was 12 when Grandma D passed away, and as I got older and became a mother, I felt a strong need to know more about her. I had 34 cousins, most of whom were older than me and had lived closer to Grandma in Oconto, so I asked them (and my siblings) to send me recipes and memories of Grandma for a cookbook. They did not disappoint. As the recipes and memories flowed in, I got a better glimpse of what she was like. But while some gaps began to fill-in, I still felt a deep need to know more.

Then one night, I had a beautiful dream. Grandma came to me and took me back to her farm when I was a young girl. We picked flowers, went for a walk, cooked, and talked, spending the day together, just the two of us. She was very warm, loving, and she made me laugh. I felt very comfortable, and loved, and when I woke up, I was filled with a sense of peace and joy like I had never known. It was as if Grandma's spirit knew I'd been seeking her out, and she wanted me to know she is here. I have never had such a touching dream, nor one that felt so very real.

Memories of Grandmas are the best, even when they come from dreams...


  1. love this post.
    I have fond memories of my Grandma too...
    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. How sweet! Wonderful idea making the cookbook!

  3. Those dreams are so poignant and important.
    I remember a friend telling me of such a dream about a family friend, asking her about her children and her family... it was only when she woke up that she realized it was the year anniversary of his death.

  4. Rhonda-Let me know if you ever blog about one of your memories; I'd love to read it.

    Jax-If you thinks that's for my 100th post!

    Princess-I've heard stories like that, too. Very cool. I find it comforting to imagine loved ones watching over us (as long as they don't haunt us, of course!)


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