Well, lookie what I got; a sweet award from a lurker* named Jewels!

This award is well-timed, because I've been reading some new blogs lately and am happy to have the opportunity to pass them along. Jewels said the "rules" are to give the award to seven people. (Sorry, but I'm going to be a rebel and choose six.)
The first award goes to Weaselmomma, whose is cheerful, funny, and energetic. This woman has FIVE kids and a very active life! She lives in a fantastic neighborhood and often writes of the fun they have. If you're in a bad mood, go to Weaselmomma's site; she's sure to cheer you up.
Next up is DadofDivas, who writes an engaging blog, filled with daddy observations, thoughts on parenting, and just a general positive attitude. DoD is a very nice guy who is always willing to help other people and gives Daddy blogging a good name :)
Janice, of Chasing Myself, gets this award because she is inspiring. Janice is a fighter; she is going to school while trying to be a mom and wife, and getting very little support at home for doing so. In spite of that, she perseveres and refuses to let others' negativity get in the way of her goals. You go, Janice!
I'm so glad So Grateful to Be Mormon is on my blogroll; a daily dose of Kathleen does wonders for the soul. In fact, people who wonder what's so great about blogging or why I would be so anxious to empty my reader should be directed to her blog. Thanks, Beany, for being such a positive leader in the blogging community. (And I'm jealous of all your awards!!)
Must. Choose. Jill!!! Jill (of The Perlman Update) is a breath of fresh air; if you think you are stressed, read her archives and realize that you're a wimp. Jill is moving her entire (military) family across the world and is doing so with finesse! Check out her shopping list, and you will never complain again about having to take a trip to the store.
Karen, at Food Glorious Food and life in general also deserves this award. She is funny, sweet, and brave! The blogosphere is a better place with Karen in it :)
I also want to give a shout-out to Tiffany and Heather, who not only keep up their personal blogs, but are also the masterminds behind The Secret is in the Sauce, which is a source of blogs, yes, but also a community. Tiffany and Heather are making a difference with their brilliant idea of bringing bloggers together to meet, share, and support each other. Their Sunday Shoutout is a perfect example of how these two genuinely care about their members. Heather and Tiffany are cheerleaders of sorts, and they deserve a "You-Ra-Ra!!" Thanks, Ladies for your contribution to blogging. Your efforts are appreciated!
Of course, I could give this award to many others. Every one of you, My Enablers, contributes positively to the blogiverse daily, and I appreciate your humor, insights, and heartfelt posts. You make my day on a regular basis, and I appreciate you :)
*lurker-one who reads a blog but does not typically comment
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