"She is Wisconsin's answer to Martha Stewart with a personality (and her Mom is such a gem)."
Thanks, Terri, but Martha Stewart? Now people are going to expect that I make my bed and stuff (I don't!) and my garden is overrun with weeds right now, (plus, you do remember what I did with the "lettuce," right??) but I do know how to make a decorative ice bowl with pansies, and I have done some marvelous paint jobs in this house, so I'll take the compliment!
I have coveted this award for some time now, so I'm happy to accept it!

The rules say to share the love, and I'm happy to do that as well! However, I also got the same award this week from Kristin. (Seriously; I'm not making this stuff up!) Kristin, you are too kind! Kristin makes beautiful, contemporary jewelry (I'm wearing my necklace as we speak!), so I know for a fact that she's pretty brilliant, too!
Yeah, I know. I'm not THAT brilliant, but I can't argue with these people; it's rude!
Here are some bloggers whose blogs I love....Pick your favorite award and enjoy it; it is heartfelt!
Meno-Can't get enough of Meno; I've given her an award before, but it was a long time ago, and I want her to have another one. She makes me laugh (and cry). Gotta love Meno.
Blogger's Annex-I can't say enough about this site; terrific posts every day.
Daddyforever --Sweet, charming, funny dad everyone would love (except maybe his wife, who probably wishes he would go away sometimes!)
Zoesdad--Another sweet, funny dad with touching observations about his large brood (and weekly stabs at poetry), plus lots of humor.
Melissa, at Stretch Marks--Melissa's humor, strength, and vulnerability touch me every post. She's terrific.
Outnumbered2to1-Funny, sweet, thoughtful. Just don't make that sucking sound with your loose tooth or ask her to clip your toenails, and you'll be fast friends!
Princess Pointful-Young, hip, and a very talented writer. I've had her in my reader forever.
Lane Boys Mom-It's her lucky day; first, a bird poops on her head, and then I give her an award!
Momofali-Funny, funny, sweet, and funny. Love this blog.
Immoral Matriarch-Smart, Edgy, Loyal and No-holds barred. Probably has twenty awards already, but she's getting this one anyway. Warning: This blog is not Rated G (probably Rated-X, actually), so please don't go there if you think you would be offended (and if there's any doubt; trust your instincts.)
Okay, I've got to end this somewhere (I'm back at school this week and have to go to BED!!) In fact, I've decided to add a twist to the award thing. You know how brides and grooms will no longer kiss for no good reason at their receptions and now expect you to DO something before they will honor that tapping on the glass thing? I hereby declare that in order to give someone (anyone) an award, from now on, you must first take a photo of yourself doing a stupid people trick of some kind. Something like...say...this one:
Who's with me on this?
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