Welcome to Friday Fragments, where we share our favorite bits and pieces from the week! Click on the button above to learn more.
***Our water pump went out on Monday night. Tuesday morning, I washed my hair with water that had been in the Brita pitcher. It was a bit cold, but my hair has never turned out better. I might make a habit of waking up that way. Not.
***Kendall (JoJo) tried out for the musical, Bye Bye Birdie, on Tuesday. Call-backs were posted on Thursday, and she was on the list. Cast list goes up today. She would love to get the big role but wouldn't be surprised to not get a lead, since she had one last year. Keep your fingers crossed, as we would sure love to hear her sing on stage again. [UPDATED: Kendall got the role of Mrs. McAfee, Kim's mom. She's perfect for it; level headed, responsible, etc. Kendall is very happy.]
***I am absolutely, unequivocally, completely exhausted and overwhelmed with work (and have been all week.) Don't be surprised if I don't post this weekend. I just need a rest. I'm taking today off so that I can get some work done and not worry about having to teach at the same time. Wish me luck!
***On the bright side, I've lost 2.5 pounds in the past two weeks, having been without my beloved Diet Coke all this time, exercising a couple times, and eating smarter. So, I'm happy to say that I'm a Loser.
***The cat's out of the bag; Mr.4444 is unemployed. We finally told the kids this week, and I am relieved to not be holding a secret any longer. He's got some prospects. We know it will all work out for the best, but prayers would be appreciated :)
***In case you missed it, I posted about my Favorite Fragmenters from this week here.
Got a Friday Fragments post to share? Do add your FF post here:
Am I missing something? I wanted to do my Friday Fragments post for today, but I couldn't find a Mister Linky or anything. It is Friday, isn't it? I've been known to miss things like that before....