Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Fragments

I love Fridays because,'s Friday, but also because I love unloading my fragments from the week and giving everyone a place to share theirs, too. All tidbits, blurbs, and "heard" items from throughout the week can find a home here. Thanks for joining us! (For more info on Friday Fragments, click the button above :)

***Mr.4444 is flying home from Juno Alaska today. Think that's exciting? Think again; he flew out Wednesday afternoon, had a business meeting all day on Thursday, and arrives at midnight today. Business travel is not often glamorous, unfortunately.

***Do you know your RealAge? Mine is allegedly 27 (even though my actual age is 45). And at this rate, I'm scheduled to live until age 93! Sure doesn't feel like it this week (I'm BEAT!), but I'll take it. Check yours out here.

***I'm dying to share the "Kissing Time" song from the CD that I bought, thanks to Diane, who was sweet enough to search and search and search the Internet to find it for me!! It is actually a great song, and one of the things on my "bucket list" that I can now cross off! I finally figured out how to save it to my computer. Now I just need to get it into a player. Patience, patience!!

***Caution, I went to your blog, but comments are not enabled, and I could not get your email address to work! Please email me at mrs4444 a t, because I would love to enter your Giveaway but cannot find it. Thanks!

***One of the best parts about having the snow melt is that you can again push a shopping cart through a parking lot without wrenching your shoulders or losing your mind. Pushing a cart through 8 inches of fresh snow, or over rutted chunks of ice is an experience I can do without. Welcome, spring! Adopting M.E. wrote that fragment last week, and I could so relate, so she gets the Favorite Friday Fragmenter award this week. Enjoy, Mary Ellen!***Do you know what Delicious is? Delicious is a Web 2.0 tool that is very, very handy. Instead of storing your bookmarks (sites you like and want to save) on your toolbar, you can save them at Delicious, tag them, and and share them with the world (or not). Everyone else can, too. So....if you like dog websites and are looking for dog sites that most people tend to like, you can find them at Delicious by typing in the tag and seeing what others recommend. Sound confusing? It's a lot like Googling something, only the sites that come up arrive in order of popularity, not how much money was paid. I'd be happy to write a post about it if enough people are interested, but for now, I wanted to explain the little button at the bottom of today's post.

***"I think it would be cool to be a cow," said Kendall, in the car, on the way to our rural school. "until I got slaughtered." This inspired me to break out in one of my old favorite Sesame Street tunes; I'm Proud to Be a Cow! Kendall loved it, so we found it on You-Tube and linked it here just for you :)

Got Fragments? Load them up here (and don't forget to visit other fragmenters, please. You might make a new friend or two :)
[Sorry, posts that are not FF posts will be deleted.]

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