Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Party Recap

Well, my head hurts a little, and I don't even drink. I can only imagine how Weaselmomma's head feels. Can you believe she drove up all the way from Chicago to get drunk visit me and meet Mr.4444? What a sweetheart!  I'm pretty sure she'll have plenty to say on her blog, so I'll just summarize; she had a BLAST. (Well, I'm pretty sure she'll say that, once the hangover has worn off.)

People go all-out, costume-wise, at our party. Here are our friends, Dawn and Jerry, who looked amazing...

Crash Test Dummy Jeff (Most creative), Blind Guy Mike (Funniest), and Nurse Pam (sexiest.) Yes, I realize that she doesn't look that sexy in her coat.  I guess you'll have to show up next year to see sexy.)

Here are Susi and Michelle (who came with Ketchup and Heineken.)

And here 's Weaselmomma kicking butt in the "Nails Game," which we had set up in the "Spooky Walk in the Woods."

Mr.4444 was very impressed...

(For what it's worth, he's bowing, not barfing.)

Bride and Groom, Jed and Sara, won Best Couple for their costumes...

 Have you ever seen a more beautiful blushing bride?

They're getting married in February for real, so we did a practice Grand March. And, of course, the groom had to look for the garter...

And what wedding is complete without the father-daughter dance? (There's always tears...)

(Yes, he's white trash, but his daughter loves him anyway.)

You know how some women brag about how talented their husbands are in that certain, very important room in the house? I like to brag, too; that Mr.4444 is soooo good, even after being up til 3am! He always knows just what I like and aims to please me.  This morning, he was so good that I took pictures!

How many men can party til 3am and still get up at 8:30am and do this for their wives...

Hope your Saturday night was as fun as ours :)

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