Yes, we do!
We've got fragments,
How 'bout you?!
We've got fragments,
How 'bout you?!
Can you tell I was watching middle school cheerleaders tonight? If you're looking for Fragments, you really have come to the right place; I'm just stir-crazy already from the 14 inches of snow we got on Wednesday. Let's get down to business! [Click on the beautiful button above to get the details.]
***I heard these on the announcements at school this week:
"A pencil case came up missing after the basketball game last Thursday night. In the pencil case was a very expensive retainer." I'd hate to be that kid.
"7th graders: Tomorrow during lunch, all band students in Mrs. B, and Mrs. W's homerooms will eat first, regardless of color." See, cuz we're an equal-opportunity middle school. (Just kidding--Kids' ID's are color-coded, but this cracked me up, so I'm sharing it. Read it again, and it will crack you up, too.)
***Cooper becomes a whining pain-in-the-butt ten minutes before Mr.4444 comes home from wherever he may be. I think that's the weirdest thing ever; how does the dog know his master is almost home, regardless of how irregular his schedule is??
***I organize the Secret Santa at work. The first year that I did it, I made the mistake of giving people each other's names, thinking nothing of it. Later, I learned that one recipient had re-gifted her presents to her Secret Santa. Isn't that hilarious? Can you imagine her embarrassment when she found out who her SS was?!
***And speaking of Secret Santa, I hope I'm not getting stiffed this year. (Watching the mailbox with anticipation.)
***If you should be grocery shopping and come upon a bottle of Dawn Botanicals Honeysuckle and Rain-scented dish soap, don't be afraid to pick up a bottle for me as a Christmas gift, haha. Seriously, though, I am definitely not one of those people who gets hooked on buying certain scents, but that one hooked me just long enough to fall in love and find it no longer sold in my area. Yes, I joined just to see if they had it, and they do, but it's only in a 10-oz bottle, and I just don't like buying items in tiny containers like that (I don't like having to contribute to the landfill so often.)
***Anyone know where I could upload audio and get the html code for sharing???
***Gladys wrote my Favorite Friday Fragment this week, but it's too long to put here (shocking, I know.) It's very funny, though, so read it here. Scroll down to the little dog and get ready to laugh. Well done, Gladys! Here's your award....
***Caution dodged a bullet this year...I wanted to share her cute fragment, to which many of us can relate...
"That same younger son told me he doesn't believe now. I worried that he meant Santa, but then was stricken with guilt and wondered if he meant God. What he meant was Rudolph, because a red nose really couldn't help someone see in the fog now, could it?"
***I am SO excited about the surprise Christmas present I have finished for a blogging friend. Now, if I only had her contact info. If you know her and could email me with the details, I would be much obliged.
***Here's some advice from Kendall, who got a text from a friend dealing with this issue: No matter how good an idea it might seem in the movies, never put gum behind your ear.
That's it for me! How about you?
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