Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Travel Gods Are Trying to Tell Me Something

Many moons ago, when the kids were tiny, Mr.4444 and I rarely got to spend any time together, let alone away from home, so one year, when the Canadian company he worked for decided to fly salesmen and their wives in for the company Christmas party (no wonder they went bankrupt) I was thrilled. A party?! With grown-ups?! In Canada?! How glamorous is that?! I suddenly found dealing with baby spit-up and poopy diapers almost charming, since I had a lovely trip to look forward to.

In the days leading up to the trip, Mr.4444 had to go on ahead (probably a sales meeting or something). No problem--I was a big girl and could fly out on my own. I cheerfully made preparations for my flight and shopped for a great outfit to wear (I had to make a good impression on the boss and his wife, right?!)

Finally, the day arrived that I was to fly out, only so had a blizzard, in Green Bay. Perfect. Okay, okay--There'd still be time if I flew out the next morning. I left the kids with Grandma and Grandpa 4444 (thrilled to have them, of course!) and drove myself to the airport the next day.

In a par-for-the-course kind of way, the airline was having trouble starting the plane in the cold weather. Now, most people would have turned around and gone home upon learning that they would have to "jump-start" the plane, but not me--I was going to Canada, damn it! I didn't care if they had to push the plane; I was leaving! And finally, I got there, just in time to throw my suitcase on the bed, throw on my party outfit, and shrug at my travel-hair.

The work party was...well, a work party, a Christmas party in which I got to hear Canadians talk funny (JK) . I also had the extreme pleasure (not) of trying to argue with an ignorant mother who was appalled that I would ever suggest that she live in The States.

"Are you kidding me?! Over my dead body would I move to the U.S. I don't want my kids getting shot in school! They bring guns to school there, you know!"

Um, yeah. I know. I live there, and teach there, as a matter-of-fact, but I've never once had to wear my bullet-proof vest to school. Never mind...

Anyway, the party was fun, but short. The next morning, I had to catch my flight back home. (Of course, getting back to my house/chores/kids was uneventful.)

The next time that Mr.4444 and I had a plan to rendezvous in a foreign country was when he had a sales meeting in Las Vegas. My flight out was scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, 2001.

Of course, we all know how that one turned out.

I've told this story as part of my entry into a VISA $200 Gift Card Giveaway on Michelle (Honest & Truly's blog, here.) You can also enter for more chances (with the same story!) at the blogs listed below:
Muse Reviews
Sweet as Punkin Pie
Busy Mom
Cookin' Canuch
Long Hollow Conversations
Stepford Stories
Slice of Pink


  1. Oh, my your getaways sound like mine. They never go as planned. EAH?

    Have a great day!!!

  2. thanks for coming by and voting for Nancy Campbell. The contest is over and Travis won, because he has lots of loyal followers. However, Nancy lives close to me and I promised her lunch at her favorite place.

  3. Yikes. You don't seem to travel well separately ;)

    And it's funny, but I had a bunch of Canadian friends (in Windsor) when I was in college, and they all had the EXACT impression of the gun-toting, unsafe American schools. I'm not quite sure what they teach them up there, but ... maybe that's their strategy of keeping them from emigrating to warmer weather locations? ;)

  4. Oh, Michelle, that's funny!!

    You're welcome, Corrie. You're very gracious. Give Nancy a hug for me :)

    Nancy, you may be happy to know that Mr.4444 and I do travel well TOGETHER--we had a lovely time in California at my niece's wedding in 2008 :) I'm not giving up completely!haha

  5. What a story! I'm glad to hear that you have traveled together since that time :)

  6. What a whirlwind vacation you had, but at least you were able to go on that one!
    My good friend is Canadian and she can't imagine EVER going back to live in Canada. She must not be afraid of the gun-toting students in the U.S.

  7. Oh dear those Canadians! LOL I can say that because I work for a Canadian company too and it's a constant joke between us US employees vs. Canadian employees. (Talk aboot talking funny!)

    When the folks from the canadian office visit us in the US office they are just amazed that we have bail bond business on every corner and that people actually keep guns in their homes.

    And then there's the health care issue. Hey, if I got a year off for maternity leave I would have had a kid a long time ago!

    (Can't believe you had a flight scheduled on Sep. 12th!!!!)

  8. Maybe, (fingers crossed) I might get to go with my husband on a business trip to...Hawaii.

    But, will I be brave enough to leave the 4 year old and the 18 month old behind with Grandpa?

  9. Canadians watch TV. Thats why they think that way of us.

    Travel is my middle name, It can get nutty

  10. That was a great story and I hope that you win! David arrived home from Cal the night of Sept. 10th! Whew...

  11. Your traveling stories sound like ours. I won't go into detail, but let's just say that when dear husband suggested we all fly to Costa Rica next year over the Christmas holidays (17, 15, 13, 11, 9 and a six months old breast feeding infant in cloth diapers), I said NOT!!!!!!!!

  12. remind me never to plan a getaway with you......


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