I mentioned this last year and am bringing it up again as a reminder to those of you who said you'd like to try this in
your neck of the woods. Kendall and I set up a social experiment; we placed a single ornament on a tree that's growing in the boulevard at our neighborhood entrance. Here's how it started...

We hoped that others would notice and decide to add an ornament of their own. Here's
how it ended, on Christmas Eve....
We ended up adding the garland and the rest of the red bulbs, but three other neighbors caught on to our idea and added ornaments of their own (they're just hard to see in this pic.) Since it was our first year doing this, we weren't disappointed with the results. This year, we're hoping even more people get in the spirit. I hung the first ornament this morning.
Keeping my elfin fingers crossed!
(P.S. If you decide to do the same, I'd love to hear about it :)
Okay, that is super-cool! I am just now reading this, so I've missed my window of opportunity, but I think I'm going to have to try this next year.