Thursday, January 7, 2010


Remember Stella? Bad news...After having lived at the middle school without incident in several years, she has suddenly gone missing! (Two days now.)

So...Is she out on an exploratory mission? Off in search of a meal? Stolen???? My guess is the latter. Either way, this can't be good for poor Stella....


  1. Oh good lord, I have the heebie-jeebies now. I hate snakes with a passion, but I guess I hope she's ok. *shudder*

  2. Oh no! Poor Stella :-( And sad for the kids too, I bet they miss her.

    I like snakes.

  3. Excuse me while I go jam towels and other objects in any openings that Stella might find at my house.

    What state are you in? It doesn't matter, I am doing in anyway.

  4. Poor Stella! I wouldn't want to be in that school right now. Ick!

  5. You'll have to keep us updated. This could get very funny.

  6. OK, I would have to take a personal leave if I worked there until she was found.

  7. Oh dear. I hope she is found soon!

    On a similar note, my freshmen year in college I lived in a dorm. We were not allowed pets, but some girls on my floor had a rather large snake. Yep, it got away. Someone else found it a few days later curled up in their closet. There were A LOT of unhappy girls while that snake was missing and two unhappy girls when they found the snake in their room!

  8. Big oops! When Hubby and I were dating his Frat house had a boa constrictor. The slithering creature would go down the toilet and explore the sewer being absent for days at a time. He would always come home through one of the commodes in the Alpha Gamma Sigma house even if the toilet was in use. More than one time I heard blood curdling screams commin' from the bathrooms.

    Guess who never, ever went potty at the Frat house. :o)

  9. Poor Stella!

    We have a snake and we are always super super careful to make sure she doesn't get out of her cage. She'd be cat food for sure if she did. I hope you find her soon, especially since it's so cold.

  10. Yes, it's cold here in Wisconsin; Stella need to get back to her heated house in the classroom!

    OMG, Nezzy, that's hilarious! YIKES!

  11. What we have here is a sneaky snake. SSSSSST

  12. Poor Stella. I still remember in 5th grade (that is a long time ago for me!) we had an iguana (Iggy - original!) and he got out over one weekend, the janitor did eventually find him - alive!


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