Saturday, March 20, 2010

Got Secrets?

"Every single person in this world has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in this world." Mississippi

This quote is a "secret" from this book...

(Incidentally, the "stains" on the cover are actually part of the design.)

"Post Secret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously, on one side of a postcard."

There are sad secrets...
And funny secrets...
Unsettling secrets...
And sweet secrets...
When I first found the Post Secret website, I found it so compelling that I stayed up til midnight (and later) on Saturday nights, waiting for Frank to post the weekly sampling of secrets. I went to Barnes and Noble and found the books, reading one from cover to cover and hoping to find one of the rumored "bonus" secrets that people sometimes tuck into bookstore copies. Eventually, I bought the book pictured above. After reading it, I took it to work and discreetly passed it around to a handful of friends I figured would appreciate it. (They did.)

A few weeks later, the book found its way back to me. There was a Post-It note in it, so naturally, I opened the book to that page, and here's what I found....

The note says, "I think I found your secret!!"

I also found this.

(For the record, no; those aren't my secrets, and I almost choked reading the Post-its! Too funny!!)

Got a secret just burning to get out? Send a postcard to Frank.

Or, for the quicker way, visit Georgie's Secret Confessions post and unload there :)


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE PostSecret!!

    Nothing better then reading that website, on a Sunday afternoon.

  2. We love secrets and secrets are safe with us:)

  3. Oh! I love secrets...I can keep one too I promise!

  4. Frank is amazing. He came here to speak at Unv of Roch. At the beginning of the show I was like who is going to stand up and share their secrets? By the end my belly hurt from laughing, and my face was sticky from all the tears. It is an amazing thing. I still have my postcard..waiting to be mailed in.

  5. I adore the Postsecret website.

    More importantly, I think it's hilarious that you wanted to make sure that we all knew that you didn't spill coffee all over that book. :)

  6. I was reading Post Secrets before I was wandering around reading blogs and before I started blogging. You have a nice sampling here of the various types of secrets that are shared there.

  7. Kerri, you are so luck!! I've been wanting to see Frank's presentation for years, and now even more!

    Melisa-You're funny. I couldn't resist! I may have a messy house and a kitchen that looks like a disaster area right now, but I just can't have people thinking I'm a bigger pig than I really am! haha

  8. i love post secret. i start my sunday morning with it every week. i always check books in bookstores in the hopes i will find someone's secret... and maybe someday i'll leave one of my own... but i don't know that i have any secrets anymore!

  9. Oh baby, I'm an open book! :o)

    Those notes are hilarious and the website sounds totally interesting.

    Have a great day, Hon!!!

  10. I love post secret- I religiously check it every Sunday morning.

  11. I just started hearing about this recently, but I didn't really get it. Now I do, and I can't wait to check it out!


  12. I having been wanting a postsecret book forever but it's not a need so I just need waiting. I love the website too!

  13. Don't think I've ever heard of postsecret. May have to look into that one long boring day. Just wish there was a quick easy way to sort out the funny from the sad. My heart hurts for the broken far too easily! :)

  14. I have tonnes of secrets..none will ever get out..

  15. I like all the detail that goe into the varios postcards.

  16. I love Sundays because of Post Secret! Found you via the "next blog" button, and am a new follower.

  17. Okay, I am going to have to check this out. Thanks!

  18. Love Post Secret! Too funny on those little post it notes...hee hee

  19. Isn't PostSecret addictive? I bought two of the books too!!! Not only are the secrets fascinating, the artwork is too.

  20. Oh those are hilarious. I can only imagine the thoughts that some people are thinking about others when they see those secrets!

  21. How neat! I've never heard of the website, but can't wait to check it out! Thanks!!

  22. I love Post Secret, I need to put it in my reader so I can keep up with it.

  23. Hahaha, I love the post it notes!

    I'll have to check this book out!

  24. yes, I have many secrets...but I prefer to keep them...well....secret.

  25. what a great post and idea .. hmmm I don't know if I have any secrets. I bet I remember some throughout the day.

  26. I LOVE POST SECRET!! this is also a great site...

  27. I look forward to Post Secret postings every week. My hubby says he doesn't understand why I read them, since some of them can be depressing. I can't quite explain it--I'm just fascinated! The post-it notes your colleagues left you cracked me up: )


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