Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly Winners/Sundays in My City

My friend Mari sent a link about a local landmark to me. According to the website...

This barn is the one of the last surviving all-field stone barns of its kind in the country. It is on the State and National Register of Historic Places and was nominated to be on America's 11 Most Endangered Places 2009 list.

I've seen it before from the road and found it interesting but didn't know there were so many people who care so much about it...I love this pic. (Click to enlarge it.)

(Preceding photos belong to Kristin Kolkowski, of the Stone Barn Committee.) For more information The Stone Barn project, click here and then on the top link in their left sidebar.

And speaking of barns, this guy caught my eye on the way home one day after school. I call this "Odd Cow Out."

As the weather warmed up this week, so did our sunrises....

Those are my offerings this week! Stop by I Am Lotus for more Weekly Winners and at Unknown Mami to find snapshots from communities around the world. It's like taking that mini-vacation you've been pining for. (Well, not really, but I can pretend...anything to get me through the next week to SPRING BREAK!)


  1. I love that barn, that is amazing! And your photos of the sunrises are so beautiful! Reminds me of the desert sunsets!

    Odd cow out....haha She's so cute!

  2. All of the pictures are interesting. I would love to have a barn like that! (I think I'd move in it.)

    Love the odd cow out. Too cool!

  3. Indeed that's rather seldom to see a stone barn in the States. When I was in Madison staying with my aunt I admired the wooden barns, because we only have stone barns here in Europe, lol !

  4. great photos. I love the sunsets.

  5. that is a beautiful barn. Our weather is warming up as well. YAY!!

  6. Gorgeous sunrises. What a great way to begin your day.

  7. I love the cow! He looks like he's thinking something not very nice...;o)

    Nice sunrises too...beautiful colors.

  8. Thank your for the look aroung your neighbourhood. The sunsets are gorgeous, I love the stone barn!
    Have a great Sunday! xxx

  9. That stone barn makes me want to see it in person!

  10. Interesting that you named it "Odd Cow Out". As soon as I saw that photo I thought about my hubby, a carrot haired freckled boy growing up with no one else looking like him.

  11. That's funny, TechnoBabe. When I first drove up, the big gang of black cows were horsing around (haha), and he was looking over at them like, "Gee, why can't I play, too?" When I drove up, though, he became more interested in me, haha.

  12. Beautiful barn and sunrises!!!

  13. These pictures are fantastic! I love that barn.

  14. I love the cow shot. And that barn is just gorgeous!

  15. I *love* that first shot.

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my post. It made me blushy. :)

  16. I have a thing for barns. Round barns are unusual too. Recently I posted a few pictures of local attractions on my blog when Flat Stanley visited.
    I have to look around your site here. Very nice.

  17. Absolutely stunning pics! Thanks for sharing your Sunday.

  18. Sunrises and barns, two favorites of mine!

  19. I have never heard of this barn before... Guess we need to take a road trip up that way.

    We love bumping into to new WI historical places.

  20. That barn is really interesting. I love the cow shot too.

  21. Great Photos!

    I live in Southern California where barns and cows are rare. We mostly have smog, traffic, bank robbers and earthquakes.

    Aren't we lucky?

  22. What a wonderful entry of yours. Providing indeed much hope that life can be good.
    Reminded me as well a bit of home, Northern Germany, where we had many cows.
    Please have a nice start into spring and the new week as well.
    p.s.: and yes, spring break is so very much needed.

  23. The stonebarn pics are great, Hubs tell me they are big up north. It is a beautiful barn. Thanks for the share.

    God bless and have yourself a beautiful Sunday!!!

  24. Boy ... you never see a stone barn around (I guess why this is so special) ... the ones I see are always made of wood and look like they are on their last legs. This is just an impressive building regardless of its function!

  25. Beautiful breath taking photos!
    You have a fun blog name!



  26. Those are gorgeous sunrises but ummm I'm SO sorry you were up when the sun was rising. :)

  27. The sunrise pictures are fantastic and a clever picture of the cows. You are really a talented photographer. They are great pics for a day In WI. So glad that you chose to get the word out about the Stone Barn.

  28. The sunrise is just beautiful! And I love barn pics. How great so many care about keeping it safe!!

  29. I can't tell you how often I feel like the "odd cow out".

    BTW, don't lie, I know you have pierced nipples. Fess up.

  30. Love "This Place Matters" banner. I can see a blog post based on that metaphor.

  31. One thing I LOVE about Weekly Winners: seeing and learning about different places. SO awesome!

  32. I always wonder how they built must be like putting together a 3D jigsaw puzzle.

  33. gorgeous photos!

    i adore the stone building!

  34. I'm going to be dreaming of that barn for years to come. I had no idea such a thing existed! WOW!

    Now, I'm going to have to come to WI and find the darned thing - can we have lunch, too? ya know, while I'm in town looking for the barn? :)

  35. love the cows and the sunrise!!


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