Rants and Raves Wednesday is brought to you by Little Ms. Blogger, at A Little Blog About Nothing. Click on the button to join in the fun!
RANT....Hey, Kid---Holding a book up in front of your face doesn't make your arm invisible; we can see you picking your nose, and it's disgusting. Get a danged Kleenex!
RAVE...Being assertive is empowering and feels soooo good. However, it takes skill; there's a fine line between being direct and honest and being aggressive. Bravo to you if you have skills for being assertive. (If not, I encourage you to learn; it's very empowering.)
RANT...If you are a novice at something, that does not mean you suck; it just means you have a lot to learn. Being closed to input from others simply because you are insecure is immature and keeps you from learning. Stop being pig-headed, and you might learn something that makes you feel great!
RAVE...This weather!!! Sooooo....warm! So mild! Such sunshine!
RANT....I hate when I catch myself doing the very thing that I complains about other people doing. I hope I'm not pig-headed....
RAVE....Figaro's Pizza--It's not only delicious, but the owners of the Figaro's around here really deserve recognition for their generosity when it comes to the schools and community. (You Ignarski's rock! Thanks for all you do for kids :)
RANT....I hate when something bad happens (stubbed toe, chore not being done, deadline missed) and I have no one to blame but myself!
RAVE...Our middle school, which has a reputation for putting on some incredible musicals, is in production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You are not going to believe the sets on this thing! And our "Charlie," who happens to be a young lad in our homeroom, is going to be fantastic; the perfect mix of sweet, innocent, smart, and talented. I can't wait til May!!
RANT....I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that the new, failed attempt to make "Preston Scavo" (of Desperate Housewives) look older is absolutely ridiculous. Please! They could have at least given him a goat or fu-man look, rather than making him look like a flipping 80's porn star. Was it the idea of some 60-year-old, male (porn-watching) executive whom everyone's afraid to disagree with? If so, I'll stick my neck out and say, "Dude-Your idea sucks rocks! Ick!
RAVE...A student who was sitting across the room from me today sent me an email message. She is normally pretty disagreeable and snippy, so I appreciate it all the more. It read simply, "your the best." Ya gotta love it (correct spelling or not.)
Got rants? Got raves? Join Little Ms Blogger's meme and have fun!
Great rants and raves today! And you are the best!!Happy St. Patty's day!
ReplyDeleteAh, you are the best! And thank you for sending some of that warm weather this way!
ReplyDelete"Hey, Kid---Holding a book up in front of your face doesn't make your arm invisible; we can see you picking your nose, and it's disgusting. Get a danged Kleenex!"
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was trying to be like a new mom when she breast feeds in public. She's discreet, but know what she's doing.
About Desperate Housewives, you're right. That mustache = 70's porn star...
ReplyDeleteThat's AWESOME!! Sometimes the ones with incorrect spelling mean the most. It shows me that the kid was more concerned about expressing his feelings than frettin' about spelling. And who can fault a kid for that? :)
Warm weather here, too, finally; it might hit 50 today! Time to get out the grill.....
ReplyDeletei think yours just about covers it! :)
ReplyDeleteWe finally have warmer weather here too. I dug out my shorts for the first time this year. Happy St. Patty's Day!
ReplyDeleteI hate it too when I have no one to blame but myself. Gotta suck it up and deal with it though.
ReplyDeleteYou rants and raves are great today. I'm always runnin' full throttle and always hurting myself. Hubby will ask how I got that bruise....most likely it's self inflicted.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!!!
I'm going to the assertive store right now. How much should I get?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sticking your neck out and pointing out the Desperate Housewives elephant in the room... that mustache sucks!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful when a little beam of light sneaks past disagreeable and snippy?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful when a little beam of light sneaks past disagreeable and snippy?