Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday Fragments: Episode #90

Someone once called me the "Queen of Clutter "  (I'm sure she meant Friday Fragments; certainly not my house.)  Anyway, welcome to my kingdom; a happy place, where minds are free of pesky thoughts and extraneous mumblings.  (Click on the FF button to learn more.)

***I'm excited to say that I have decided to change my blog template and will be working with Lena this summer to develop the design. I like it when blogs stay the same, but mine will be two years old this summer, so I am due :) Lena has lots of terrific templates. On Saturday, I'll be switching Mrs.4444 Cooks to one of Lena's gems.

***And speaking of Mrs.4444 Cooks, the long awaited Devil's Sex Cake recipe is now up!

***As I type this, Kendall and I are watching the Life series on the Discovery Channel. I just laughed out loud and exclaimed, "How fun!" at a particular scene, and Kendall said, "Mom, you sound just like Grandma (my mom).  I said, "I consider that a compliment," and she confirmed, "It is; it's sweet."  Awwww.

***My friend Molly's son Brandon made it to the regional finals in our GLEE Casting Call!! Listen to his audition here and consider voting for him! (His is second to last.)

***I came across Getting Horizons Horizontal on a site called Digital Photography School. It gives excellent advice on how not to drive people crazy with crooked horizon lines.

***Kyle came in with the mail yesterday and said, "You have a little package there."  I replied, smoothly, "That's what she said."  Score one for Mom on the funny-front.

***Messy Mommy has one of my favorite post ideas; she takes the weekly People magazine headlines and comments on them. The result is always entertaining. I recommend you check it out.

Matty wrote my Favorite Friday Fragment last week:
Recently, I was in an elevator in a medical office. It stopped at a floor and two very old women entered. One of them looked at me and said, "You look just like my brother Bucky. And he's very handsome so take that as a compliment."  Not knowing how to respond, I simply thanked her. And with that, the depth of her compliment became rather clear, when she followed it with, "He's 90 years old."

Poor Matty. I hope this takes the sting out, my friend:

Okay, here I go with my new Linky thing. Instead of just leaving your name, now you can leave your button (or not)! Check it out. [Remember, though, this is for Friday Fragments post only. Thanks.] Oh, yeah. and I entered it as a "blog hop," which I guess means that not only can the links be here on my page, but fragmenter lists can be posted on your blog, too. That way, everyone will get more exposure. Let me know what you think!


  1. I love the Life series very cool and what a sweet thing for Kendall to say

  2. I love your "That's what she said" joke! Our mouse pad says "That's what she said." Hubby and I work it into our conversation on a daily basis!

  3. I'm kind of hoping someone will make that cake FOR me. :)

  4. How appropriate that Brandon sings Take Me Out to the Ballgame. He's very good, so I'll overlook the "Brewers" shout out.

    My step daughter was just watching the Life series tonight. They were showing crabs walking along the ocean floor.

    Well, thanks for the weekly award. The sting is gone and I feel better now :-)

    Being the technically challenged person that I am, I wasn't sure about the linky thing, and it looks like I added only a portion of the MATTY image I intended. I messed up a step somewhere, sort of like when I'm cooking.

  5. I have placed a grid in my viewfinder to help me keep my photos straight and they are still all wonky. I'm going over to that site right now.

    Cake (yum) - 90 years old (funny!!) - Glee casting (Very cool) - my blog template is basic and I desperately need a new one. I'm adding it to my list...goodness, my list is long!

  6. Happy Friday Mrs 4444
    Have a great weekend.
    Sorry for the lame comment. It's all I got right now

  7. That's what she said. Love it. Going to check out the Devil's Sex Cake now. Hope I don't get all sorts of spam for just typing those words!

  8. So now I'm really craving cake and laughing about Matty's elevator experience! Reminds me a story my friend told me about someone stopping her in the grocery to comment on how cute her son was, "He's so cute, he must look like your husband!" Initially she, like Matty, thought, "thanks", but then as she processed the comment, it turned into ouch!

  9. Button, button, who's got the button? What if you don't have a button? At least I don't think I do. Where do you get them? Does someone have to make one for you? Sometimes I'm so high tech, but then sometimes I'm just not!

  10. Ohhh can't wait to see what your new blog look is going to turn out like!

    LOL @ "that's what SHE said"! heehee

    Congrats and good luck to your friends son. Love that show!!

    LOL @ Matty's old lady run-in. Too funny!!

    Happy Friday!!

  11. don't think I have time for FF but wanted to swing by and say hi :)happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

  12. Wow, a new linky thing. This will take up a lot more space, but it's nice to see the pics--I like pics and will give this a try on my blog as well.

  13. Good Morning! I think I'm a bit off today..I read Getting Horizontal and my mind went to a very different place then photography horizons....

    Have a great day!!

  14. are a funny mommy.
    good luck to your friends son.
    I just love Glee.
    Happy Friday

  15. Arrgh. Button making attempt not a great success. I'm going to blame the Muscat with which my husband is plying me.

    I can't wait to see the new blog design, there's nothing I love more than re-arranging the furniture! And there's a lot less heavy lifting involved in re-arranging blog furniture ;-)

  16. Thanks for the shout out! You rock! I had a dream about you this week. It's in my fragments.

  17. I don't have a button, don't WANT to have one, so how can I link up without it?

  18. No button is necessary, Kori; just put your link in. The button is optional. Are you sure I can't whip one up for you?

  19. The comment from the lady in the elevator is just hilarious to me ;)! Want to try out that cake for sure!

  20. Love the new Linky thing! I need to get around to making a real button...for now I had it take my profile pic.
    Mmm, I need to try that cake.
    We LOVE the Life series. TT is actually getting extra credit in his Science class for watching and discussing it.

  21. The one week I don't play you change your linky?

    That's what she said!!!

  22. P.S. Stop by if you get a chance. I'm celebrating my 1 year anniversary and I'm giving away a $50 Amazon e-card. You might be interested. Have a great weekend.

  23. Hey, if it's a blog hop shouldn't you put your button up there too so that it can show up on the other blogs. You should be #1.

  24. Way to go with the mom humor!!! That's the best feeling when you win one of those!

  25. hahah love the she said joke!

    I have to go and check out Brandon singing, since I am a new fan of Glee this season! Can't get enough of it!

    Love the idea of the linky change, cool!

  26. Great fragments as usual girl. Poor Matty! Heehehehe!!! I have to go check out Brandon's song.

    Ya'll have a terrific weekend!!!

  27. This is my first time here, and I thought the idea/meme is such a great idea..

  28. I can't wait to see the new blog look! That's exciting.

    It was a lovely thing your daughter said. Sweet.

    Hope you and your family have a great weekend.


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