Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kendall's Brush with Fame

I just chose that title and then chuckled, since "brush" fits so nicely with her encounter today with Donald Trump! She was with a friend's family, in Chicago, at Trump Tower, when they looked over and saw The Donald on a nearby balcony. He looked down and smiled at the girls, who waved. He waved back and offered a friendly, "Hello, Darlings," before turning back to his audience ("some guys in suits" and a TV camera). Of course, the girls were thrilled.

They were also quite thrilled to learn that Transformers III was being filmed right in front of the hotel, but not as much as when they learned that Transformers star, Josh Duhamel, was in the hotel weight room. Now, Josh is one of my son Kyle's top three favorite actors, so his devoted sister made a special trip to the weight room with a Trump Tower notepad and a request for an autograph for her brother. She said Mr. Duhamel was very nice, and you should have seen Kyle's face when Kendall came home tonight and handed him the note, which reads, "Kyle, Good luck at U.W.G.B.! Be good! Josh Duhamel. (He has it in a frame already.)

Believe me, the 4444 family does not frequent Trump Tower. Kendall was fortunate enough to be invited by her friend's very generous family. She texted me frequently while she was there, marveling in the incredible hotel, fancy restaurants (one that provided several waiters for their table alone), and other exciting experiences. I'm pretty sure she'll never forget it!

I'm not really starstruck for any particular actor/actress/singer, etc. (though I wouldn't turn down a dinner with the Travoltas). I will always remember shaking Oprah's hand after her show a few years ago, though. (She is so genuine.) And I did get to eat dinner with Chuck E. Cheese a couple weeks ago, but that's it for me. [Update: Oh, and P.S. How could I forget that I met The Pioneer Woman at BlogHer last summer (and got to sit and chat with her Marlboro man and two of the Punks.) It was a really nice, because they were very warm and unassuming.]

How about you? Have you ever had a brush with fame?


  1. Yes. I've met Johnny Depp while out in L.A. for an Internet trade show while he was filming Blow. He was having a drink at the bar while I was there with some friends before dinner. A friend got his autograph.

    I also ushered at a local community theater where Joanne Woodward was on the board. During one show, I stood next to her in the back and we exchanged hellos and I formally introduced self with a handshake. I also met her husband before he passed away.

    I'm a sucker for authors and chefs. I've been to several Jane Green book signings where she now recognizes me and met Jonathan Waxman who was on Top Chef Masters.

  2. I found your site from Stacy Uncorked. I love it. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!
    Recommended Daily Dose

  3. It's funny you said the Travoltas, they live in the next town over from me and apparently are seen quite often there, and occasionally in my town.
    Sounds like Kendall had a fun day!

  4. I haven't met any actors/singers/types of ppl that MOST ppl find famous... I don't even know who most of them are! I've never heard of this Josh guy you talk of and while I've heard of Donald Trump I doubt I'd recognize him...

    For me it's the figure skaters, I LOVE the sport and am very inspired by what they can do... I've met about a hundred of my favourites (names like Kurt Browning, Jamie Sale, David Pelletier etc)

    That's sweet your daughter got the autograph for her brother :)

  5. Wow! I don't think I'd know a celebrity unless they came up to me and told me who they were! When The Patriot was filming in SC, Mel Gibson came to mass. Unfortunately, my husband didn't tell me he was there, so I didn't actually see him, but he did! I couldn't believe he didn't tell me! And, yesterday one of the teachers told me that there have been Shaq sitings in our area...apparently he has a girlfriend who lives nearby. However, this is also the teacher who owns a "Skunk Ape" company, so I'm still not sure if I believe him on that one just yet!

  6. I loved reading about kendalls NYC experience!!! The Donald AND Josh Oh My i would have fainted...

  7. She's very thoughtful to do all that for her brother. And I'm sure he appreciates it too.

    When I was in college, Noel Neill gave a speech there and met students afterward. I walked right up and asked to shake her hand. She gladly obliged and said that she liked my hair. LOL, yes back then I had some. I walked away with her autograph, but heaven only knows what ever became of it. What? Who is Noel Neill you ask? She played Lois Lane on the old Superman series.

    I've seen my share of TV personalities and sports stars at the Philadelphia airport over the years. George Hamilton, Ron Jaworski, Don King, Smokin Joe Frazier who by the way sat down next to me while waiting for his son, and we chatted a bit; Bonnie Franklin (One Day at a Time series), and a few others I can't recall anymore. No, they aren't big, big name people, but heck, they were famous in their day.

    And oh yeah, as a kid, I spoke with Frank Sutton on the phone for about a second. Who? Sgt Carter from the old Gomer Pyle, USMC series. He called our house to speak with my cousin (long story)and I happened to answer the phone.

  8. I met Captain Eugene Cernan, the last man on the moon (Apollo 17) at a dinner/speech during the dedication of the Hruska wing of the Czech & Solvak Museum. Captain Cernan is of Czech decent.

    I also met Beatle, George Harrison and his wife Olivia on the Canadian viewing side of Niagra Falls one winter morning in the 1990s. George and Olivia were just strolling from their car to the falls as I was doing so with my father. George said, "Hi." It was gear.

  9. Now you should have told her about T-3 (movie insider shorthand you know) filming that you learned about on "A Few Clowns Short".

    Funny who is considered a celebrity (Mrs. 4444 in a big name in the blog world).

    I did share a dinner table with Noble Laureate, Dr. Leon Lederman, once and he did sign his book for me. Most people don't even know who he is.

  10. Shared dinner with Bill Cosby
    In studio with Al Jardin (Beachboys)
    In studio with Ritchie Cannada (Billy Joels sax player)
    John Montagna - Bass player Alan Parsons project.
    Played in a battle of bands with Max Weinberg (Bruce Springsteen drummer)
    Played Jimmy Buffets guitar.
    Met Marlo Thomas, Tom Bosley, Marrietta Hartley, John Secada,Debbie Gibson, Amanda Pete, Angela Lansbury, John Mayer, Fabio, Jerry Cooney (boxer).
    Has an hour conversation with a very interesting black woman in the Newark airport Admirals club. She introduced herself as we parted as Mary J Blige. ( I didn't know who she was! LOL she knew)
    Hmm mwho else... I'm sue theres more.

    Living in the NYC area, being in and out of NYC a lot, traveling, and being a studio musician has opened a lot of doors for me to meet people.

    Oh yes, Patrick McNee. From the Avengers - Elevator in UK

  11. WoW, Chuck E. Cheese. Your way to young to remember me but Pinky Lee once kissed me, drew me a picture and gave me a Pinky Lee hat as a youngun. Ahhhh, bestow my heart!

    What a thrill for Kendall to experience the Towers and all the thrills that go with it.

    God bless and have a star struck day! :o)

  12. It sounds like Kendall had an absolutely great time!

    Most of my famous encounters have been politicians which most wouldn't count, but I do! I was fortunate enough to work at one of the 2008 Presidential Debates and got to meet Al Gore, Senator Claire McCaskill (I was assigned to her and got to walk with her to all of her interviews), now White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (who is super nice and down to earth) and now Senior Advisor David Axelrod. It was such a great day...I was floating on cloud 9 all day!

    Mr. Ski, however, definitely lucked out when he met Vince Vaughan at a hockey game this past spring. I was jealous of that one.

  13. Wow lucky girl....Josh is easy on the eyes!

  14. I've had a few. You get so starstruck that it's hard to remember they are people, too!

  15. I almost bumped right into actor Tim Robbins at BWI airport in Baltimore once. He was very nice and didnt knock me down. LOL

    I would like to meet Oprah!

  16. That is so cool....When I worked at the Kroger in Galveston I met and made a starbucks latte for country singer Clay Walker and I met Rosie ODonald while she was in our store shopping (her new g/f lives in Galveston and clay walker has a beach house there)

  17. My mom used to work for an attorney who was part of Brown vs. the Board of Education and Miranda vs. Arizona; this attorney was good friends with Janet Napolitano, who worked in the same office as my mom (when Napolitano was an attorney). Janet Napolitano sent my twins little certificates and letters when she was still governor of AZ.

    I had dinner with Rita Dove, poet laureate of the U.S.

    My dad often gets mistaken for Michael Jordan or Lou Gossett, Jr. Does that count?

  18. Right on, that is so awesome...and a keepsake to boot!

  19. Last Friday I went to the house of a famous blogger, Mrs4444. We're tight.

  20. What a great thrill for Kendall and how sweet of her to remember her brother!
    When at a store shopping in Chicago a few years back my sister Lynn saw Alice Cooper just hanging around waiting for his daughter who was in a dressing room. She came over to me all abuzz, whispering "Do you think that's him?" Neither of us were certain so she tried to get my daughter who was then 18, to go and ask him if he was Alice Cooper. Anna Rae got very indignant and said something to the effect of "Of course NOT, I don't even know who Alice cooper is!" Too chicken to ask him ourselves, we ended up asking the cashier when he left and Lynn was very smug to find out she was right!

  21. I am pretty "brush-less" although I did meet Aaron Neville once after a concert and he was very cool and nice.

    What a special, fun day for Kendall, and so sweet of her to get that autograph for Kyle.

  22. Well, shoot! How cool is that!?!

    I used to adore Oprah...until I found out about her videos on religion. I'm sure she's still a great person.

  23. That was very sweet of Kendall to sacrifice her time and go look for a hot movie star in the weight room. I'd like to think I would make the same sacrifice for any of my loved ones.

  24. There were two encounters with celebrities during the time Hubby was Sheriff that I will always remember:(1) We spent a half hour with Charlton Heston when we drove him to the airport late at night after he had spoken at a GOP dinner here. This was only a few years before he died. He had bad legs that looked painful when he walked and he had to have been very tired, but he was very pleasant and told us that his father had been a sheriff in Michigan. (2) We got to have dinner with Lee Greenwood when he was here for the same reason. And he is all about honoring those who fight for us -- as patriotic as his song "God Bless the USA" implies! Both were gentlemen worth remembering.

  25. I love that Kendall got the autograph for Kyle. So nice when siblings think of each other and do nice things. :)


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