Friday, October 22, 2010

Saturday Sampling, October 23, 2010

Welcome to Saturday Sampling, a collection of best posts from around Blogdom this week (with a few oldie-but-goodie posts thrown in).  This week, since I didn't win any Pulitzers, I took the liberty of linking up three posts that I read this week. I put stars by them, because they are perfect examples of why I created Saturday Sampling--They are excellent posts, and everyone should read them. You, too, are welcome and encouraged to link up anyone's post that moved you. (I will also add a star to any post that someone else raves about in the comments of this post.)

Remember, SS is a place to showcase your blog and your writing; if someone read only one of your posts this week, which one would you want them to read? If you didn't write anything special this week, link to an older post, or just sit back and read the ones here. To learn more about Saturday Sampling (and please do, if this is your first time here), click on the tab above.

*By the way, I will star posts that have been highly recommended by people other than the blog authors themselves :)

Here you go--Link Away!


  1. One week from today will be our first day in our new little home. If I have all my fingers and toes and no broken bones I will be able to write a post by next Sunday. Yay. Hope you enjoy your weekend. Hugs to you, my friend.

  2. Have a wonderful weekend! Going to try to read through these!

    I added one of mine and then one that I came across.

  3. I can't wait to read some of these!

  4. Oh, so many little time. Where does a busy chick begin???? Heeehehe!

    I'll be sure to pop in on a few new ones.

    Enjoy this weekend sweetie!!!


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