Friday, October 8, 2010

Saturday Sampling

OOPS! Almost forgot to put up Saturday Sampling!! We have a house full of college kids at the moment, so I'll catch up with you all later, but here's the link! Enjoy!!

For more information about Saturday Sampling, click on the tab above :)


  1. You are sooooo busy these days. Stay strong.

  2. Thanks for this opportunity to link up and visit some nice posts.

    Hope you catch up on things soon. And thanks!

  3. College kids??? What a fun weekend your gonna have! It's the stuff that makes for good blog fodder.

    I've been online pickin' out an urn...what a way to spend a Saturday morn'! Think I'll go take a bath and soak my head....:o)

    Hope your 'frig is filled...Heeehehe!

    God bless ya'll

  4. I hope you are having the best weekend ever with your house full of college kids : )

  5. I read "four" college kids the first time around and went "whooahhh" and felt for you. Then I reread it and saw "house full of" which I'm assuming means even more. Try not to start drinking until they've gone to bed :)

  6. I thought that "money rant" post was getting a lot of extra activity, so I had to come by and check this out! Thanks for putting up the Sampler even in the face of all those college kids!


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