Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Fragments, Episode #138

***I have never in my life stayed in a "funk" as I have this week. I guess this is the month of firsts. I'm just gonna let it ride; I'm sure it'll be over next week.

***We got 18 inches of snow yesterday; it's awesome. I love snow--It looks gorgeous in our woods outside, and we have a snowblower (and a man who loves using it), so it's all good. Well, mostly good--the drive to/from work today was pretty dangerous, but it'll be melted before long.

***This week, a student threw the ultimate insult my way--He told the staff person in detention, "Mrs.4444 doesn't care!" (and "This is crap!" of course)  Really--that first one hurt. Later on, in class, when he asked me for a favor, I told him, "Why in the world would I do that for you? I don't care. Remember?" He looked totally confused. I told him that I'd heard about his rant about me. He rolled his eyes.  I put more of my time into that kid than all the rest combined, and it really has little effect. This incident was just another nail in the coffin that is teacher appreciation lately.  [PLEASE do not comment on this fragment--It's not a ploy for praise; I just wanted to express it. I'm wearing down, is all.]

***If a teacher calls your house to notify you that your 6th grader skipped a class today and your response is, "He's just like that here, too--crappy attitude!  We just don't know what to do with him," then my recommendation is that you get professional help. If this is how he is in sixth grade (Seriously? Skipping class in 6th grade?!) and you don't know what to do with him, you're in for a rough next six years.

***Taking the kids to Chicago this summer? My friend Melisa (Suburban Scrawl) has written a new book that is a great resource! It's called Chicken in the Car and the Car Won't Go. I've pre-ordered my copy and am really looking forward to getting it!

***My Difference Makers students met tonight and were thrilled to see that we have made a dent in our BIG goal of raising $3000 for Relay for Life! Click on the button over on the right to see how I'm doing on my part of the goal. If you click on My Team Page, you'll also see a cute pic of the kids, as well as our overall goal progress. If you should be kind enough to donate to our team, I will put your name in a hat for a special prize. (Sorry--No idea what it is yet, but I promise it will be nice :) Right now, your odds of winning are great!

***I found a really great website this week called Free Practice Driving Tests. Do you know how soon you need to turn off your brights when approaching another car coming from the opposite direction?  I guessed two blocks, but I guess it's only one.   You can type in your state and take the written test appropriate for your area. I'm ashamed to say that I flunked mine, but the questions I did get 85%. I'm glad Wisconsin has higher standards than that for passing, and I enjoyed the little "refresher."

***Whoever said they'd share birthday party ideas for Kendall....Will you please email me again if you already did? I'm sorry--I have about 200 unread emails at the moment and hope to get to them soon, but I'd love it if you'd help me out by sending it again so that you rise to the top :) Thanks.

***Got fragments and want to share them? Link up below and check out the results of fragmentation all over the globe :)


  1. that driving test site is neat! I hope that the parents do get professional help for the skipping 6ht grader.. that really sucks!

    Hope your snow stays long enough to enjoy and melts fast enough when you want it gone!

  2. I hope you are able to get out of the funk. When is Spring Break for you?

    Have a good weekend! xo

  3. I left my birthday idea in a comment...and it was what I did when I was her age, fancy afternoon tea.

    Funks are no fun...I've been going through one for the past few weeks, hopefully we will both snap out of it soon!

    I'm not commenting on that third fragment, but if I did...I would say that I don't blame you for saying that in that moment. I would have been hurt too.

    Happy almost weekend to you!

  4. You are probably too young but there was a time that funky was cool. With all the news of conflicts and earthquakes it could mean many of us are in deep funks. Well I say funk it be happy. Actually I've never said that before but I will now. thanks for the FF treats.

  5. I've been in my share of funks. So I figured since I haven't seen you around that something was going on.

    Even though you said not to comment on it, I know how dedicated you are as a teacher, and how much you care about your students. So it doesn't surprise me that you were hurt by that insult. Anyone else wouldn't have cared at all about what he said. The fact that you did tells a lot about you.

    You can have all the snow my friend. I am so ready for summer, it's not even funny.

    Keep up the good work with the difference makers.

  6. That driving test site sounds neat! I had no idea there was something like that!

  7. Sorry you are in a funk and sure glad we didn't get 18 inches of snow here. We just got a little dusting which is enough of a relapse into winter for me. At least it's finally Friday--hope next week is better for you!

  8. Believe me.. if a teacher had ever called my house to tell me my kids had skipped class you wouldn't have gotten that response... there would have been a major discussion - plus that ensued afterwards with my child.. ;)

  9. ((hugs)) I'm hugging the funk right out of you! Okay how about a margarita instead sometimes that helps! Have a great weekend!

  10. PS I failed my driving test the first time taken 75% got 100% next time! In my defense I'm new to NY state laws! Need a ride anywhere? lol! :)

  11. I agree. Sometimes it's hard to stay out of the pity party in March when you've been through the mill for the past month. This too will pass, and we'll adjust to the new debt free reality that's perking in the governor's brain. Good luck with that.
    Cheer up, the days are longer than the nights now until June!
    Have a hug from me!

  12. I'm going to comment on that fragment anyway, not to shower you with praise, but to remind you that those kind of comments often mean you are making an impact. Just like how my chest swells with pride when I'm recognized as a mean mommy. Yes, his words hurt. BUt remember that it also means you are making an impact on him- otherwise you'd be unimportant and he wouldn't bother ranting.

  13. Sounds like a rough week. You have my number, feel free to use it.

  14. Great fragments! It must be really tough being a teacher, I couldn't imagine! I can't wait to check out the driving test website...thanks for sharing, I'm going to challenge my husband to it this weekend! Have a great weekend! Hope next week gets better for you!

  15. Must be something in the air... Or weather... or something... I've been in a major funk for the last couple weeks and I just can't seem to shake it. :(

    Hope you are feeling better soon and have an awesome weekend!!

  16. In most cases it's harder to work with the parents than the kids!!! No joke, there gonna have some BIG problems!!!

    (I bet your havin' more of an influence on the boy than you can see right now) :o) Just had to throw two cents in the bucket!

    Love your 'frags'.

    God bless and have a fantastic Friday sweetie!!!

  17. Oh Honey, I love me some good funk music, but being in a funk is no good. Perhaps you could blast a little funk music (some Parliament or Prince) and dance your funk off.

  18. I think that 'funk' is going around. I'm in the same boat.

  19. Hmmm. I think I'd like to give that driving test to my kids! But first I'd have to see if I could pass it:)

  20. Sorry you are in a funk. I hope it does not last.
    Hmmm, I may have to try that driving test site. Interesting!

    Oh my. That reaction by the parents is scary. What is that kid going to be like at 17?

  21. I know you don't want comments on the kid but I can't help myself. Sorry in advance.

    Just keep on with him. Never give up. It may not be today or next month but one day.......he'll come back with his success and blame you. Or I mean credit you.

  22. I hope your funk subsides, 4x4. Oh, God. Do I remember reading somewhere that you don't like 4x4? If so, then 4444!

    Do you think it's all the snow giving you the blues?

  23. Congrats to your friend who has written the book. I'll have to check it out! I haven't been to Chicago in ages.

    Express away :) I'm glad you could share that with us.

  24. That driving test was cool! I passed :) And did you seriously just say 18 inches of snow and it's awesome?! GAH we are supposed to get 1-2 and I am moping around. IT'S SPRING DANGIT!

  25. Stopping by really late to link up! It was a funky week here too. Not really commenting on your teacher fragment, but I honestly don't know how you all do it....

    Spring better arrive SOON!

  26. My best friend is a teacher and she teaches Pre-K special education ...Parents can be really out of it when it comes to helping with kids ...I always thought she would have really involved parents because her kids need more help but it is quite the opposite and as she attempts to educate these kids I see a pain from her as our schools fall further into a rut and our parents get less and less involved ... I truly fear the future of education and I respect you for doing the job you do ... I personally could not because I would be super mad at a parent who was like we don't know what to do...ugh


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