Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friday Fragments, Episode #151

I'm in California this week, but I know the fragmented mind travels well, so I'm at it again. 
Consider these "West-Coast Fragments," and see if you notice a difference.

I don't always share my Favorite Friday Fragmenter, but last week, I was inspired! Single Mom in the South has a little girl who is just as sweet as pie. Here's a couple of her gems from last week:

"Mamma, you should send us to camp, because then you will have quiet time.  You can stay home and do adult stuff with only adults."

"Mamma, we can get dressed together because we are both girls.  It would be weird if you got dressed with an a boy, mamma!  Why would you do that?"

Why would she do that, indeed?! Super cute, SMITS. I hereby bequeath the coveted award:

Lisleman's fragments last week really cracked me up, 
but the rules say that a month must go by before you win the award again, so I'll just link to him this time :)  What rules, you might ask?
Well, you could check the tab above, 
but I'll admit you won't find this particular rule, as I just made it up. 


Tip-of-Day for Venice Beach visitors: Use the restroom before you go! 
Also, don't worry about medical care while there; they have plenty of assistance to address any ailment:

The Haight, Berkeley, The Mission(s), San Francisco Bay Bridge/Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, the Marin Headlands, Muir Woods, Yosemite, L.A., Venice Beach--That's what we've visited so far on our trip. Up next, surfing (Kyle, not me), tide pools, Unknown Mami, Gay Pride parade, and concert in the park!
Hope you're having fun, too :)


  1. Rebecca - I'm getting that very same message. I've got 6 links in mine LOL So it's Mr. Linky's problem, not ours.

    Mrs. Fours - Please wave hello to my friend Steve and Jet and Gee and and and - they will all be at Pride this weekend! You're sure to notice them because they are the ones...never mind. They won't be so unique that weekend LOL

  2. You're seeing so much! Are you getting tired yet? I love the UC Berkeley campus!

  3. I'm dying laughing at Kush Doctor! Don't have TOO much fun now, Mrs 4444. But I'm glad you're enjoying yourself & I hope the rest of your trip is great.

  4. Venice beach - Kyle has not twisted his neck yet - has he?
    Years ago (90's?) my cousin took me to Hermosa beach and maybe Manhattan beach. I'll never forget the part of the roller blade girls' bodies MOST covered up were their feet and ankles. My eyes got a sugar high from all the eye candy.
    Glad you are having a great time and thanks so much for mentioning me. I think the rule should be MULTIPLE favorite fragmenters. We can share the prize.

  5. It sounds like you're having a very thorough time :-)

  6. So much excitement!

    I haven't been to San Fran since I was 12.

    Happy Friday to you.

  7. This very well the use of marijuana for medical uses.

  8. I was going to ask if you were in Cali for business or pleasure, but clearly the answer is pleasure. LOL! I'm not sure I'm that adventurous. I think a visit to the Laura Ingalls Wilder home in Missouri is more my speed. (Well, maybe I'm a little "speedier" than that...)

    Enjoy the rest of the trip!

  9. AWW Thanks for the mention and the award! She was at it again this week along with her brother and the neighbor. I'm so glad I started writing this stuff down! :)

    Looks like you are having a wonderful time... two weeks until my vacation... can't wait!

  10. OMG, sounds like you are having a great time!

    That's cool that you get to meet the Unknown Mami-

    Now YOU will know!

    Have fun- stay safe!

  11. Too much fun you guys are having you are covering some ground! Have fun say hi to Mami!

  12. You are seeing it ALL! :) Glad you are having such a great time.

    Tell Mami we all say hi!

  13. We've got medical marijuana here in Michigan,too, but our "hospitals" are all surrounded by the police who are raiding them.

    You are a fantastic travel writer. I think you can experience more in a week than I could in a year. Travel safely.

  14. Very jealous of Pride!! My first ever Pride experience was in SanFran and was LIFE CHANGING. I should blog about it sometime- except my mom reads my blog and it might embarass her. Ha!

  15. Not surfing? Can't blame you there!

  16. It sounds like you're having a blast! Can't wait to see more pics!

  17. I'm glad to see you are experiencing the wonders of California.

    My husband has many friends with "prescriptions" for that type of meds. He has been shamed into not even thinking of partaking. If I can't do it (not that I would want to, plus we get drug tested at work.) He can't do it. LOL


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