Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday Fragments, Episode #171

I can't tell you how happy I am that it's Friday. I'm looking forward to defragging! Thanks for joining me!

***Is there a language you'd like to see HPKT translated into?   Last week, at the conference I attended, I learned how to translate a blog into a number of different languages. In fact, you can translate any webpage into the language of your choice, and it's pretty simple. Just go here and scroll down to Translate a Webpage.

***While cleaning in the liquor cabinet, I found 10 empty Crown Royal bags and wondered what could be done with them. Look what Michelle found for me!

I'm not sure Mr.4444 would wear that to our Halloween party.  I've decided, instead, to make a dress, though I clearly have a few more to collect if I want to keep more covered than the item pictured above.

***Speaking of funny photos, I love when guests from our Halloween party send photos they took. Here's one of my favorites, which I received a few days ago.  Mike won "Funniest" in the costume contest; he was cracking everyone up all night, especially when he went around sharing his mustache. (Don't worry--it was transferred by hand-only.)

***I really like the Disqus commenting system, but I don't like that you have to have your profile filled out in order for your comment to link back to your blogs. If you simply have your name there, I can't find your blog.

***I've had a rough work week. Powerlessness over mental illness is difficult to accept sometimes. (No, I'm not talking about my own.)  I dug up a folder that I've kept up over the years; it includes positive notes I've received over the past 15 years or so of teaching. Reading them was a nice pick-me-up.

***My favorite thing in my folder was a copy of an email reply that I sent to a smartass at work who sent me an email that basically said, "Don't send me emails. I don't care about what you're doing."  My reply to Mr. Smartass was priceless, very satisfying, and private (sorry).

***The Difference Makers planned their 5K Run/Walk Against Cancer tonight! It's going to take place at school on Tuesday. We've had a lot of support from teachers in the building, who have donated items for a raffle at the event.  This is heartwarming to me, as these kids really are dedicated, and it's nice to see support for their efforts.


  1. That is definitely a unique use for a Crown Royal bag. I think I would prefer to keep a different set of jewels in it though.


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