Monday, December 26, 2011

Sundays in My City: Christmas Recap

Unknown Mami

Yes, I'm aware that today is Monday,
but since everyone gets their days mixed up when they're on vacation,
I figure I could get away with posting this on Monday.

Yesterday was, of course, Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, we went to church, put our Christmas pajamas on, and ate a "fancy" dinner of fondue
 (chicken, venison, and beef) with twice-baked potatoes. Mmmmmmmm

Mr.4444 made creme brulee for dessert!!

Santa was good to us.

We had the makings of a beautiful family photo this morning, 
but you know how it goes when Grandmas hold "fancy" cameras.haha
(Love you, Grandma 4444!!)

I got some nice shots of the kids, though..

and Kendall and her dad.

I also made sure we got the rare mom-son shot,

 as Kyle leaves in a few days for someone else's city, Ecuador.
(12 days, for a class).

So, we have a lot to be grateful for this year:
More than enough to eat.
A roof over our heads.
Good health.
Plenty of love.

It's my wish for you that you have the same.

For photos from cities near and far, visit Unknown Mami's Sundays in My City.

P.S. Just a reminder that December 28th is the day I'll be sharing another funny story via vlog and inviting you to do the same and link yours up. New or old posts are welcome, as long as they are videos. I hope to see you then! :)

This just in:  Kay is also hosting a Memory Lane post, sharing holiday memories of present or past. Feel free to link up your memories post at her place!

Memory Lane

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful Christmas!! Best of luck to Kyle what a wonderful experience.


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