Thursday, July 5, 2012

Friday Fragments: Episode #205

Mommy's Idea

Welcome! It's Friday--The day of the week to write your easiest, most-satisfying post; just rattle off your random thoughts, musings, quotes, whatever tickles your fancy.

[For more information about Friday Fragments, click on the tab at the top of this blog.]

***Grandma 4444 is with us for a few days. If you can't guess why, consider living without air conditioning in this heat. She's spoiling our pup as often as possible when he's not trying to chew her toes.

If you want to see the latest, super-cute pics of Milo and missed my post earlier today, click here.

***Being that it's summer, I've finally had time to do some pleasure reading! So far, I read blogger Katharine's Grace and Fresh Ink devotional (via my Amazon Kindle app. The Kindle copy is a steal at $2.99 and filled with short reads perfect for waiting in the car, waiting rooms, or just sitting on your front porch. (Of course, you can also buy a hard copy.) You can find my review of Katharine's book, along with other products I've reviewed on Amazon, here.

***Many of you also know Doreen McGettigan, whose memoir came out of the horribly-tragic murder of her brother, David.  Bristol Boyz Stomp was compelling, and even inspiring, and my review on Amazon can be found here.

***Tip:  When asking to hold a puppy with whom you aren't familiar, sit down before taking the pup; they can be unexpectedly squirmy, and you don't want to be the person who drops someone's puppy. If you're on the other side of the puppy-holding scenario, don't be afraid to say, "I'm sorry; he's been dropped a couple of times by well-intentioned adults; you're welcome to pet him while I hold him."

***If you know anyone crate-training a puppy, I can't recommend this resource enough: The Housebreaking Bible website is really terrific. The link I used here brings you to a number of very helpful articles the site has on a variety of topics. Anyone who wants to raise a disciplined, happy dog should visit that site.

***Lil JaXe is a 12-year-old Canadian boy with a debilitating stuttering problem who communicates beautifully when he raps, instead of talking. To show your support for this inspiring kid who is trying to get some exposure, visit his website or watch his interview on Canada AM television here.

***Kyle is beginning to explore his options for the international internship that's required for his Global Communication degree. I'm excited for him! If you could pitch an idea for your own internship with a company, what would you do?

***If you enjoyed Kendall's senior portrait peek, are on Facebook, and would like to support an independent, young photographer/graphic designer, please be kind enough to "Like" Studio Lou Photography & Design Services. It's brand-new, and Wendy would really appreciate it, I'm sure!
Your turn!

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